首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England >Management of screen-detected breast cancer: audit of the first 100 cases in the Southampton and Salisbury breast screening programme.

Management of screen-detected breast cancer: audit of the first 100 cases in the Southampton and Salisbury breast screening programme.




With the natural history and optimal treatment of a high proportion of screen-detected breast cancers yet to be determined, treatment poses the management team with a number of therapeutic dilemmas. This study surveys the management policy and treatment of a consecutive series of 100 screen-detected cancers treated in a single breast unit. The problems encountered are discussed. There were 87 women with stage Tis or T1 tumours, including 26 women with in situ cancers, four with invasive cancers less than 5 mm in size, and seven with tubular cancers. Sixty-six women were managed with breast-conserving surgery and 36 women underwent localisation biopsy as the sole surgical treatment of the breast. With selection bias for high-grade and lateral tumours, only 2/13 cancers up to 10 mm in size were lymph node positive on axillary clearance. All lymph node positive women received adjuvant therapy. No adjuvant therapy was given in 43 cases, including those with in situ cancer. Thirty-six had extensive intraductal component (EIC). Patient and surgeon choice tends to be a major factor both in type of surgery and adjuvant therapy for screen-detected breast cancer. The optimal treatment for tumours detected by breast cancer screening is debatable and randomised trials on their management need to be expedited.
机译:由于尚无确定的自然病史和对大部分经筛查的乳腺癌的最佳治疗方法,治疗使管理团队面临许多治疗难题。这项研究调查了在单个乳房单元中治疗的连续系列100例经筛查的癌症的管理政策和治疗方法。讨论了遇到的问题。有87例患有Tis或T1期肿瘤的妇女,包括26例原位癌,4例小于5毫米的浸润性癌和7例肾小管癌。六十六名妇女接受了保乳手术,其中三十六名妇女接受了局部活检,作为唯一的乳房手术治疗。由于对高级别和侧向肿瘤的选择偏倚,在腋窝间隙淋巴结阳性的淋巴结中,只有2/13大小不超过10毫米的癌症为阳性。所有淋巴结阳性妇女均接受辅助治疗。包括原位癌在内的43例患者均未给予辅助治疗。 36例具有广泛的导管内成分(EIC)。患者和外科医生的选择往往是筛查发现的乳腺癌的手术类型和辅助治疗的主要因素。通过乳腺癌筛查发现的肿瘤的最佳治疗方法尚有待商and,并且有必要加快其治疗的随机试验。



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