首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases >Arthritis in Byzantium (AD 324-1453): unknown information from non-medical literary sources.

Arthritis in Byzantium (AD 324-1453): unknown information from non-medical literary sources.




OBJECTIVE--To compile and analyse information contained in non-medical texts of the Byzantine historians and chroniclers concerning arthritis, and to clarify the first use of Colchicum autumnale in the treatment of gout by the fifth century physician, Jacob Psychristus. CONCLUSIONS--This material gives an indication of the problem of arthritis and, in particular, a disease resembling gout that tyrannised a great number of the population in the Byzantine Empire (AD 324-1453). Contemporary historians and chroniclers maintain that the main causes of gout ('podagra') were the over-consumption of alcoholic drinks and food. Most relevant texts include anxiety and heredity among the aetiological factors of the disease. The incidence of this group of diseases among the Byzantine Emperors (it is certain that 14 of a total of 86 had a form of arthritis) and other officials of the State indicates that these diseases were a possible factor in certain political and military difficulties of the Empire.
机译:目的-汇编和分析拜占庭历史学家和编年史家关于关节炎的非医学文献中所包含的信息,并阐明五世纪医师Jacob Psychristus首次使用秋水仙碱治疗痛风。结论-该材料表明了关节炎的问题,特别是一种类似于痛风的疾病,这种疾病在拜占庭帝国(AD 324-1453)统治了许多人口。当代历史学家和编年史家认为,痛风的主要原因是酒精饮料和食物的过度消费。最相关的文章包括该病的病因中的焦虑和遗传。该类疾病在拜占庭皇帝中的发病率(可以肯定的是,总共86种疾病中有14种具有某种形式的关节炎),国家其他官员指出,这些疾病是造成该国某些政治和军事困难的可能因素帝国。



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