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Spontaneous ruptured pheochromocytoma: an unusual case report and literature review




Ruptured pheochromocytoma is a rare disease. Its mortality rate is up to 31%–50%. Proper management of ruptured pheochromocytoma remains unclear. A 44-year-old male patient visited our Emergency Department and presented with abrupt onset of left flank pain. His blood pressure was 190/140 mmHg with purse rate of 130 beats/min. CT scan showed 8.1 × 5.6-cm-sized heterogeneously mass with rupture on the left retroperitoneal space and active bleeding. His symptom of abdominal pain was aggravated. Follow-up laboratory analysis revealed elevated WBC count and decreased hemoglobin 2 hours after admission. Emergency laparotomy was performed. We resected the ruptured left retroperitoneal mass and hemostasis. Pathologic exams revealed adrenal pheochromocytoma with rupture. Although our patient was alive, according to literature review, mortality rate of emergency operation without medical management is higher than elective operation after blood pressure control with either medical or interventional methods such as transcatheter arterial embolization.
机译:破裂的嗜铬细胞瘤是一种罕见的疾病。其死亡率高达31%–50%。目前尚不清楚破裂性嗜铬细胞瘤的正确处理方法。一名44岁的男性患者前往我们的急诊科就诊,突然出现左胁腹疼痛。他的血压为190/140 mmHg,钱包速率为130次/分钟。 CT扫描显示8.1×5.6 cm大小的异质性肿块,左侧腹膜后间隙破裂,活动性出血。他的腹部疼痛症状加重。随访实验室分析显示,入院后2小时白细胞计数升高,血红蛋白降低。进行了紧急剖腹手术。我们切除了破裂的左腹膜后肿物并止血。病理检查发现肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤破裂。尽管我们的患者还活着,但根据文献综述,在没有药物管理的情况下进行紧急手术的死亡率高于通过药物或介入方法(例如经导管动脉栓塞术)进行血压控制后的择期手术。



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