首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy >Novel Dosing Strategies Increase Exposures of the Potent Antituberculosis Drug Rifapentine but Are Poorly Tolerated in Healthy Volunteers

Novel Dosing Strategies Increase Exposures of the Potent Antituberculosis Drug Rifapentine but Are Poorly Tolerated in Healthy Volunteers




Rifapentine is a potent antituberculosis drug currently in phase III trials. Bioavailability decreases with increasing dose, yet high daily exposures are likely needed to improve efficacy and shorten the tuberculosis treatment duration. Further, the limits of tolerability are poorly defined. The phase I multicenter trial in healthy adults described here investigated two strategies to increase rifapentine exposures: dividing the dose or giving the drug with a high-fat meal. In arm 1, rifapentine was administered at 10 mg/kg of body weight twice daily and 20 mg/kg once daily, each for 14 days, separated by a 28-day washout; the dosing sequence was randomized. In arm 2, 15 mg/kg rifapentine once daily was given with a high-fat versus a low-fat breakfast. Sampling for pharmacokinetic analysis was performed on days 1 and 14. Population pharmacokinetic analyses were performed. This trial was stopped early for poor tolerability and because of safety concerns. Of 44 subjects, 20 discontinued prematurely; 11 of these discontinued for protocol-defined toxicity (a grade 3 or higher adverse event or grade 2 or higher rifamycin hypersensitivity). Taking rifapentine with a high-fat meal increased the median steady-state area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to 24 h (AUC0–24ss) by 31% (relative standard error, 6%) compared to that obtained when the drug was taken with a low-fat breakfast. Dividing the dose increased exposures substantially (e.g., 38% with 1,500 mg/day). AUC0–24ss was uniformly higher in our study than in recent tuberculosis treatment trials, in which toxicity was rare. In conclusion, two strategies to increase rifapentine exposures, dividing the dose or giving it with a high-fat breakfast, successfully increased exposures, but toxicity was common in healthy adults. The limits of tolerability in patients with tuberculosis remain to be defined. (AIDS Clinical Trials Group study A5311 has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under registration no. .)
机译:利福喷汀是一种有效的抗结核药,目前处于III期试验中。生物利用度随剂量增加而降低,但是可能需要每天大量暴露以提高疗效并缩短结核病治疗时间。此外,公差的界限定义不佳。本文所述的健康成年人的I期多中心试验研究了增加利福喷丁暴露的两种策略:分剂量或高脂饮食。在第1组中,利福喷丁的剂量为每天两次,每次10 mg / kg体重,每天一次,一次20 mg / kg体重,共14天,隔28天冲洗一次。给药顺序是随机的。在第2组,每天一次15毫克/千克的利福喷丁,分别含高脂和低脂早餐。在第1天和第14天进行了药代动力学分析采样。进行了群体药代动力学分析。由于耐受性差和出于安全考虑,该试验已提前终止。在44名受试者中,有20名过早停药;其中11种因方案定义的毒性(3级或更高的不良事件或2级或更高的利福霉素超敏反应)而中止。服用利福喷汀高脂餐后,从时间零到24小时(AUC0-24ss)的浓度-时间曲线下的稳态面积中位数比用药物时获得的平均值高31%(相对标准误差,6%)。含低脂早餐。划分剂量会大大增加暴露量(例如,每天1500 mg剂量时暴露量增加38%)。在我们的研究中,AUC0-24ss均比近期的结核病治疗试验一致,后者的毒性很少。总之,增加利福喷丁暴露的两种策略(分剂量或给其加高脂早餐)可成功增加暴露量,但毒性在健康成人中很常见。结核病患者的耐受性极限仍有待确定。 (艾滋病临床试验小组研究A5311已在ClinicalTrials.gov上注册,注册号为.。)



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