首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy >Treatment of experimental endocarditis due to Enterococcus faecalis using once-daily dosing regimen of gentamicin plus simulated profiles of ampicillin in human serum.

Treatment of experimental endocarditis due to Enterococcus faecalis using once-daily dosing regimen of gentamicin plus simulated profiles of ampicillin in human serum.




We compared the efficacy of ampicillin, both alone and in combination with gentamicin given once a day (q.d.) or three times a day (t.i.d.), in the treatment of experimental enterococcal endocarditis. Ampicillin was administered by using humanlike pharmacokinetics that simulated the profiles of this drug in human serum. An open one-compartment mathematical model developed in this study was used to estimate the decreasing doses administered with a computer-controlled infusion pump that simulated in rabbits the human serum pharmacokinetics after intravenous administration of 2 g of ampicillin every 4 h. Animals with catheter-induced endocarditis were infected intravenously with 10(8) CFU of Enterococcus faecalis J4 (MICs and MBCs of ampicillin and gentamicin, 2 and 128 and 16 and 64 micrograms/ml, respectively) and were treated for 3 days with ampicillin alone or in combination with gentamicin at 2 mg/kg of body weight subcutaneously t.i.d. or at 6 mg/kg subcutaneously q.d. The serum ampicillin levels and pharmacokinetic parameters of the humanlike pharmacokinetics of ampicillin in rabbits were similar to those found in humans treated with 2 g of ampicillin intravenously. The results of therapy for experimental endocarditis caused by E. faecalis J4 showed that the residual bacterial concentration in aortic valve vegetation was significantly lower in the animals treated with combinations of ampicillin plus gentamicin given q.d. or t.i.d. than in those treated with ampicillin alone (P < 0.01). The dosing interval of gentamicin did not significantly affect (q.d. versus t.i.d.; P = 0.673) the therapeutic efficacy of the combination of ampicillin plus gentamicin.
机译:我们比较了氨苄西林单独使用或与庆大霉素联用的每日一次(q.d.)或一天三次(t.i.d.)的治疗实验性肠球菌性心内膜炎的疗效。氨苄西林是通过使用仿人药代动力学模拟人血清中该药物的特性进行给药的。在这项研究中开发的开放式一室数学模型用于估计通过计算机控制的输液泵给予的剂量降低,该输注泵在兔中每4 h静脉注射2 g氨苄西林后模拟人血清药代动力学。用10(8)CFU粪肠球菌J4(氨苄青霉素和庆大霉素的MIC和MBC分别为2和128和16和64和64微克/毫升)静脉感染导管诱发的心内膜炎的动物,并单独用氨苄西林治疗3天或与庆大霉素合用,剂量为2 mg / kg皮下注射或皮下注射剂量为6 mg / kg。兔中氨苄西林类人药代动力学的血清氨苄西林水平和药代动力学参数与经2 g氨苄西林静脉内治疗的人中发现的相似。粪肠球菌J4引起的实验性心内膜炎的治疗结果表明,在接受q.d联合氨苄青霉素和庆大霉素治疗的动物中,主动脉瓣植被中的残留细菌浓度显着降低。或t.i.d.比单独使用氨苄西林治疗的患者要高(P <0.01)。庆大霉素的给药间隔未显着影响氨苄青霉素加庆大霉素的组合的疗效(q.d. t.i.d.; P = 0.673)。



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