首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Specific Growth Rate Plays a Critical Role in Hydrogen Peroxide Resistance of the Marine Oligotrophic Ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas alaskensis Strain RB2256

Specific Growth Rate Plays a Critical Role in Hydrogen Peroxide Resistance of the Marine Oligotrophic Ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas alaskensis Strain RB2256




The marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas alaskensis RB2256 has a physiology that is distinctly different from that of typical copiotrophic marine bacteria, such as Vibrio angustum S14. This includes a high level of inherent stress resistance and the absence of starvation-induced stress resistance to hydrogen peroxide. In addition to periods of starvation in the ocean, slow, nutrient-limited growth is likely to be encountered by oligotrophic bacteria for substantial periods of time. In this study we examined the effects of growth rate on the resistance of S. alaskensis RB2256 to hydrogen peroxide under carbon or nitrogen limitation conditions in nutrient-limited chemostats. Glucose-limited cultures of S. alaskensis RB2256 at a specific growth rate of 0.02 to 0.13 h−1 exhibited 10,000-fold-greater viability following 60 min of exposure to 25 mM hydrogen peroxide than cells growing at a rate of 0.14 h−1 or higher. Growth rate control of stress resistance was found to be specific to carbon and energy limitation in this organism. In contrast, V. angustum S14 did not exhibit growth rate-dependent stress resistance. The dramatic switch in stress resistance that was observed under carbon and energy limitation conditions has not been described previously in bacteria and thus may be a characteristic of the oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium. Catalase activity varied marginally and did not correlate with the growth rate, indicating that hydrogen peroxide breakdown was not the primary mechanism of resistance. More than 1,000 spots were resolved on silver-stained protein gels for cultures growing at rates of 0.026, 0.076, and 0.18 h−1. Twelve protein spots had intensities that varied by more than twofold between growth rates and hence are likely to be important for growth rate-dependent stress resistance. These studies demonstrated the crucial role that nutrient limitation plays in the physiology of S. alaskensis RB2256, especially under oxidative stress conditions.
机译:海洋营养缺陷型超微细菌阿拉斯海鞘氨醇单胞菌RB2256的生理特性与典型的营养缺陷型海洋细菌(如安氏弧菌S14)明显不同。这包括高水平的固有抗应力性,以及缺乏饥饿诱导的对过氧化氢的抗性。除了海洋中的饥饿期外,营养缺陷型细菌在相当长的一段时间内还可能会遇到营养有限的缓慢增长。在这项研究中,我们研究了在营养受限的恒化器中,在碳或氮限制条件下,生长速率对阿拉斯加链霉菌RB2256抗过氧化氢的影响。在0.02至0.13 h -1 的特定生长速率下,阿拉斯加链球菌RB2256的葡萄糖限制培养物在25 mM过氧化氢中暴露60分钟后的存活力比在室温下生长的细胞高10,000倍。 0.14 h -1 或更高的速度。发现抗逆性的生长速率控制对于该生物中的碳和能量限制是特定的。相反,V。angustum S14没有表现出依赖于生长速率的胁迫抗性。以前没有在细菌中描述过在碳和能量限制条件下观察到的抗逆性的急剧变化,因此可能是寡营养超微细菌的特征。过氧化氢酶活性略有变化,并且与生长速率不相关,表明过氧化氢分解不是抗性的主要机理。在以银染的蛋白凝胶上分离出1,000多个斑点,用于培养物以0.026、0.076和0.18 h -1 的速率生长。十二个蛋白斑点的强度在生长速率之间变化超过两倍,因此对于依赖于生长速率的胁迫抗性可能很重要。这些研究证明了养分限制在阿拉斯加州赤霉菌RB2256的生理中起着至关重要的作用,尤其是在氧化胁迫条件下。



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