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Characterization of Neutralizing Antibodies and Identification of Neutralizing Epitope Mimics on the Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin Type A




Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type A (BTx-A) is known to inhibit the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions and synapses and to cause neuroparalysis and death. In this study, we have identified two monoclonal antibodies, BT57-1 and BT150-3, which protect ICR mice against lethal doses of BTx-A challenge. The neutralizing activities for BT57-1 and BT150-3 were 103 and 104 times the 50% lethal dose, respectively. Using immunoblotting analysis, BT57-1 was recognized as a light chain and BT150-3 was recognized as a heavy chain of BTx-A. Also, applying the phage display method, we investigated the antibodies' neutralizing B-cell epitopes. These immunopositive phage clones displayed consensus motifs, Asp-Pro-Leu for BT57-1 and Cys-X-Asp-Cys for BT150. The synthetic peptide P4M (KGTFDPLQEPRT) corresponded to the phage-displayed peptide selected by BT57-1 and was able to bind the antibodies specifically. This peptide was also shown by competitive inhibition assay to be able to inhibit phage clone binding to BT57-1. Aspartic acid (D5) in P4M was crucial to the binding of P4M to BT57-1, since its binding activity dramatically decreased when it was changed to lysine (K5). Finally, immunizing mice with the selected phage clones elicited a specific humoral response against BTx-A. These results suggest that phage-displayed random-peptide libraries are useful in identifying the neutralizing epitopes of monoclonal antibodies. In the future, the identification of the neutralizing epitopes of BTx-A may provide important information for the identification of the BTx-A receptor and the design of a BTx-A vaccine.
机译:已知A型肉毒梭菌神经毒素(BTx-A)可抑制神经肌肉接头和突触处乙酰胆碱的释放,并引起神经麻痹和死亡。在这项研究中,我们确定了两种单克隆抗体BT57-1和BT150-3,它们可以保护ICR小鼠免受致命剂量的BTx-A攻击。 BT57-1和BT150-3的中和活性分别是50%致死剂量的10 3 和10 4 倍。使用免疫印迹分析,BT57-1被识别为BTx-A的轻链,而BT150-3被识别为BTx-A的重链。同样,应用噬菌体展示方法,我们研究了抗体的中和B细胞表位。这些免疫阳性噬菌体克隆显示出共有基序,BT57-1为Asp-Pro-Leu,BT150为Cys-X-Asp-Cys。合成肽P4M(KGTFDPLQEPRT)对应于由BT57-1选择的噬菌体展示肽,并且能够特异性结合抗体。该肽还通过竞争性抑制测定法显示出能够抑制噬菌体克隆与BT57-1的结合。 P4M中的天冬氨酸(D 5 )对于P4M与BT57-1的结合至关重要,因为当它变成赖氨酸时(K 5 ),其结合活性会大大降低。 。最后,用选择的噬菌体克隆免疫小鼠引起针对BTx-A的特异性体液应答。这些结果表明,噬菌体展示的随机肽文库可用于鉴定单克隆抗体的中和表位。将来,BTx-A中和表位的鉴定可能为鉴定BTx-A受体和设计BTx-A疫苗提供重要的信息。



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