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Peroxiredoxins: hidden players in the antioxidant defence of human spermatozoa




Spermatozoon is a cell with a precious message to deliver: the paternal DNA. Its motility machinery must be working perfectly and it should be able to acquire fertilizing ability in order to accomplish this mission. Infertility touches 1 in 6 couples worldwide and in half of the cases the causes can be traced to men. A variety of conditions such as infections of the male genital tract, varicocele, drugs, environmental factors, diseases, smoking, etc., are associated with male infertility and a common feature among them is the oxidative stress in semen that occurs when reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced at high levels and/or when the antioxidant systems are decreased in the seminal plasma and/or spermatozoa. ROS-dependent damage targets proteins, lipids, and DNA, thus compromising sperm function and survival. Elevated ROS in spermatozoa are associated with DNA damage and decreased motility. Paradoxically, ROS, at very low levels, regulate sperm activation for fertilization. Therefore, the regulation of redox signaling in the male reproductive tract is essential for fertility. Peroxiredoxins (PRDXs) play a central role in redox signaling being both antioxidant enzymes and modulators of ROS action and are essential for pathological and physiological events. Recent studies from our lab emphasize the importance of PRDXs in the protection of spermatozoa as infertile men have significant low levels of PRDXs in semen and with little enzymatic activity available for ROS scavenging. The relationships between sperm DNA damage, motility and lipid peroxidation and high levels of thiol-oxidized PRDXs suggest the enhanced susceptibility of spermatozoa to oxidative stress and further support the importance of PRDXs in human sperm physiology. This review aims to characterize PRDXs, hidden players of the sperm antioxidant system and highlight the central role of PRDXs isoforms in the protection against oxidative stress to assure a proper function and DNA integrity of human spermatozoa.
机译:精子细胞具有传递宝贵信息的能力:父系DNA。它的动力机械必须运转良好,并且应该能够获得施肥才能完成这项任务。不孕症涉及全球6对夫妇中的1对,一半的原因可以追溯到男性。各种状况,例如男性生殖道感染,精索静脉曲张,药物,环境因素,疾病,吸烟等,都与男性不育有关,其中的共同特征是精子中的氧化应激发生在活性氧中(ROS)在精浆和/或精子中的含量高和/或抗氧化剂含量降低时产生。 ROS依赖的损伤作用于蛋白质,脂质和DNA,从而损害了精子的功能和存活率。精子中的ROS升高与DNA损伤和运动性降低有关。矛盾的是,ROS的含量很低,它调节精子的激活以促进受精。因此,雄性生殖道中氧化还原信号的调节对于生育至关重要。过氧化物酶(PRDXs)在氧化还原信号传导中起着核心作用,既是抗氧化酶又是ROS作用的调节剂,并且对于病理和生理事件至关重要。我们实验室最近的研究强调了PRDX在保护精子中的重要性,因为不育男性精液中PRDX的含量很低,并且清除ROS的酶活性很小。精子DNA损伤,运动性和脂质过氧化与高水平的硫醇氧化PRDX之间的关系表明,精子对氧化应激的敏感性增强,并进一步支持PRDX在人类精子生理中的重要性。这项审查旨在表征PRDXs,精子抗氧化剂系统的隐藏的参与者,并强调PRDXs亚型在保护免受氧化应激,以确保适当的功能和人类精子DNA完整性的中心作用。



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