首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Parasitic Diseases: Official Organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology >Prevalence of bovine microfilariasis in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh

Prevalence of bovine microfilariasis in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh




The Prevalence of microfilariasis of bovines was studied in four districts of Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh with respect to species, age, breed, sex and physiological status viz., lactation, season for a period of 1 year. A total of 1286 blood samples were examined by conventional techniques viz. Wet blood film, blood smear examination and Knott’s method with an overall prevalence of 2.72% (35/1286) was recorded in bovines. The prevalence observed in buffaloes and cattle was 2.97% (20/672) and 2.45% (15/614) respectively. With respect to region, higher rate of infection was recorded in Kurnool (3.25%) followed by 3.12, 2.5 and 2.01% in Anantpaur, Chittoor and Kadapa districts, respectively. The infection was higher in female animals (2.79%) whereas no positive case could be detected among the 32 male animals screened. Breed wise analysis revealed, highest prevalence was observed in cross bred cattle (3.04%) and graded Murrah (3.67) than non-descriptive cattle (0.64%) and buffalo (1.89%). Significantly higher prevalence was noticed in the age group of above 9 years (4.72%) followed by 6–9 years (2.98%), 3–6 years (2.05%) and below 3 years (1.04%). In lactating animals significantly higher prevalence was observed (3.47%) followed by non-lactating animals (2.65%) and heifers (0.47). Further higher prevalence was detailed during rainy season (3.89%) in comparison to summer (2.87%) and winter (1.25%) season.



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