首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Brain reorganization not relative brain size primarily characterizes anthropoid brain evolution

Brain reorganization not relative brain size primarily characterizes anthropoid brain evolution




Comparative analyses of primate brain evolution have highlighted changes in size and internal organization as key factors underlying species diversity. It remains, however, unclear (i) how much variation in mosaic brain reorganization versus variation in relative brain size contributes to explaining the structural neural diversity observed across species, (ii) which mosaic changes contribute most to explaining diversity, and (iii) what the temporal origin, rates and processes are that underlie evolutionary shifts in mosaic reorganization for individual branches of the primate tree of life. We address these questions by combining novel comparative methods that allow assessing the temporal origin, rate and process of evolutionary changes on individual branches of the tree of life, with newly available data on volumes of key brain structures (prefrontal cortex, frontal motor areas and cerebrocerebellum) for a sample of 17 species (including humans). We identify patterns of mosaic change in brain evolution that mirror brain systems previously identified by electrophysiological and anatomical tract-tracing studies in non-human primates and functional connectivity MRI studies in humans. Across more than 40 Myr of anthropoid primate evolution, mosaic changes contribute more to explaining neural diversity than changes in relative brain size, and different mosaic patterns are differentially selected for when brains increase or decrease in size. We identify lineage-specific evolutionary specializations for all branches of the tree of life covered by our sample and demonstrate deep evolutionary roots for mosaic patterns associated with motor control and learning.
机译:对灵长类动物大脑进化的比较分析强调了大小和内部组织的变化是物种多样性的关键因素。但是,仍然不清楚(i)镶嵌大脑重组的变化与相对大脑大小的变化有多少有助于解释整个物种观察到的结构神经多样性;(ii)哪些镶嵌变化最有助于解释多样性,以及(iii)什么时间的起源,速率和过程是灵长类动物生命树各个分支镶嵌重组进化演变的基础。我们通过结合新颖的比较方法来解决这些问题,这些方法可评估生命树各个分支上的时间起源,进化变化的速率和过程,以及有关关键脑结构(额叶皮层,额叶运动区和小脑的体积)的最新数据)用于17种(包括人类)的样本。我们确定了大脑进化中镶嵌变化的模式,这些变化反映了先前由非人类灵长类动物的电生理和解剖学道追踪研究以及人类功能连接MRI研究确定的大脑系统。在超过40 Myr的类人动物灵长类动物进化过程中,镶嵌变化对解释神经多样性的贡献远大于相对大脑大小的变化,并且当大脑大小增加或减小时,会选择不同的镶嵌模式。我们为样本所涵盖的生命树的所有分支确定了特定于世系的进化专长,并展示了与运动控制和学习相关的镶嵌图案的深层进化根源。



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