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Exploring diazepam’s effect on hemodynamic responses of mouse brain tissue by optical spectroscopic imaging




In this study, a simple duel-optical spectroscopic imaging apparatus capable of simultaneously determining relative changes in brain oxy-and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations was used following administration of the anxiolytic compound diazepam in mice with strong dominant (Dom) and submissive (Sub) behavioral traits. Three month old mice (n = 30) were anesthetized and after 10 min of baseline imaging, diazepam (1.5 mg/kg) was administered and measurements were taken for 80 min. The mouse head was illuminated by white light based LED's and diffused reflected light passing through different channels, consisting of a bandpass filter and a CCD camera, respectively, was collected and analyzed to measure the hemodynamic response. This work’s major findings are threefold: first, Dom and Sub animals showed statistically significant differences in hemodynamic response to diazepam administration. Secondly, diazepam was found to more strongly affect the Sub group. Thirdly, different time-series profiles were observed post-injection, which can serve as a possible marker for the groups’ differentiation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the effects of an anxiolytic drug on brain hemodynamic responses in mice using diffused light optical imaging.
机译:在这项研究中,在具有强显性(Dom)和顺性(Sub)行为的小鼠中施用抗焦虑化合物地西epa后,使用了一种能够同时测定脑中氧合和脱氧血红蛋白浓度相对变化的简单的双光学光谱成像设备。特质。麻醉三个月大的小鼠(n = 30),在基线显像10分钟后,给予地西((1.5 mg / kg)并进行80分钟的测量。鼠标头被基于白光的LED照明,并收集并分析通过分别由带通滤光器和CCD相机组成的不同通道的漫反射光,并进行分析以测量血液动力学响应。这项工作的主要发现有三个方面:首先,Dom和Sub动物对安定的血液动力学反应显示出统计学上的显着差异。其次,发现地西epa对亚组的影响更大。第三,在注射后观察到不同的时间序列特征,这可以作为各组分化的可能标志。据我们所知,这是首次使用扩散光光学成像研究抗焦虑药对小鼠脑血流动力学反应的影响的报告。



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