首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >Gait improvement by low-dose botulinum toxin A injection treatment of thelower limbs in subacute stroke patients

Gait improvement by low-dose botulinum toxin A injection treatment of thelower limbs in subacute stroke patients




[Purpose] Lower-limb spasticity after stroke may be associated with worse functional outcome. Our study aim was to establish whether a low-dose botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) injection in subacute stroke patients can improve spasticity, gait, and daily living abilities. [Subjects] Twenty-three subacute stroke patients were randomly allocated to BTX-A treatment group (11 patients) and control group (12 patients). [Methods] In the BTX-A treatment group patients, 200 units BTX-A was injected into the triceps surae (150 iu) and posterior tibial (50 iu) by electrical stimulation-guided. The patients in the control group received the same volume of placebo solution into the same injection locations. Gait analysis (step length, cadence, speed), the 6-min walking test, Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) of the lower limbs, modified Ashworth scale assess (MAS) assessment of the lower limbs, surface electromyography (sEMG), and modified Barthel index (MBI) assessment were performed before and at 4,8 weeks after treatment. [Results] We found that the FMA of the low limbs and MBI were significantly improved in both groups. The gait analysis, FMA, and MBI results in the BTX-A treatment group were better than those in the control group. MAS and surface electromyography (sEMG) showed better improvement of spasticity in the treatment group. [Conclusion] Early low-dose botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) injection in subacute stroke patients into the lower-limb may improve gait, spasticity,and daily living abilities.
机译:[目的]中风后下肢痉挛可能与较差的功能预后有关。我们的研究目标是确定亚急性中风患者低剂量肉毒杆菌毒素A(BTX-A)注射能否改善痉挛,步态和日常生活能力。 【研究对象】23例亚急性脑卒中患者随机分为BTX-A治疗组(11例)和对照组(12例)。 [方法]在BTX-A治疗组患者中,通过电刺激引导将200单位BTX-A注射入肱三头肌(150 iu)和胫骨后(50 iu)。对照组的患者在相同的注射位置接受相同体积的安慰剂溶液。步态分析(步长,节奏,速度),6分钟步行测试,下肢的Fugl-Meyer评估(FMA),下肢的改良Ashworth量表评估(MAS)评估,表面肌电图(sEMG)和在治疗前和治疗后4.8周进行改良的Barthel指数(MBI)评估。 [结果]我们发现两组下肢的FMA和MBI均有明显改善。 BTX-A治疗组的步态分析,FMA和MBI结果优于对照组。 MAS和表面肌电图(sEMG)在治疗组中表现出更好的痉挛性改善。 [结论]在亚急性脑卒中患者中,将早期低剂量肉毒杆菌毒素A(BTX-A)注入下肢可能会改善步态,痉挛,和日常生活能力。



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