首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >Analysis of combat sports players’ injuries according to playing style forsports physiotherapy research

Analysis of combat sports players’ injuries according to playing style forsports physiotherapy research




[Purpose] This study describes the characteristics of injuries in strike and non-strike combat sports, and the results are intended for use in the area of sports physiotherapy research. [Subjects and Methods] The study was conducted on 159 athletes involved in a variety of combat sports. The participants included elite college players of the following sports: judo (47), ssireum (19), wrestling (13), kendo (30), boxing (16), and taekwondo (34). Of the participants, 133 were male and 26 were female. In the case of ssireum and boxing, all of the athletes were male. [Results] In the case of the combat sports, the types of injury and injured regions differed according to playing style. Dislocation and injuries to the neck, shoulders, and elbows were more frequent in the non-strike sports, while injuries to the wrists and hands were more frequent in the strike sports. There was a high incidence of sprains, strains, bruises, and injuries to the lower limbs in both groups. [Conclusion] We suggest that the characteristics of injuries in combat sports differ according to playing style, and our study will therefore provide physical therapists and researchers with information that can be used to prevent injury.
机译:[目的]该研究描述罢工和非罢工格斗运动中的伤害特征,其结果旨在用于运动理疗研究领域。 [对象与方法]研究对象是159名参与各种格斗运动的运动员。参与者包括以下运动的精英大学运动员:柔道(47),ssireum(19),摔跤(13),剑道(30),拳击(16)和跆拳道(34)。参加者中,男性133人,女性26人。在ssireum和拳击的情况下,所有运动员都是男性。 [结果]在格斗运动中,伤害类型和受伤区域根据比赛方式而有所不同。在非搏击运动中,颈部,肩膀和肘部的脱臼和伤害更为常见,而在搏击运动中,腕部和手部的伤害更为常见。两组中扭伤,拉伤,挫伤和下肢受伤的发生率均很高。 [结论]我们认为格斗运动中的伤害特征会因比赛风格而异,因此我们的研究将为理疗师和研究人员提供可用于预防伤害的信息。



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