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Because space matters: conceptual framework to help distinguish slum from non-slum urban areas




Despite an estimated one billion people around the world living in slums, most surveys of health and well-being do not distinguish between slum and non-slum urban residents. Identifying people who live in slums is important for research purposes and also to enable policymakers, programme managers, donors and non-governmental organisations to better target investments and services to areas of greatest deprivation. However, there is no consensus on what a slum is let alone how slums can be distinguished from non-slum urban precincts. Nor has attention been given to a more fine-grained classification of urban spaces that might go beyond a simple slumon-slum dichotomy. The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework to help tackle the related issues of slum definition and classification of the urban landscape. We discuss: class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc">The concept of space as an epidemiological variable that results in ‘neighbourhood effects’.The problems of slum area definition when there is no ‘gold standard’.A long-list of variables from which a selection must be made in defining or classifying urban slum spaces.Methods to combine any set of identified variables in an operational slum area definition.Two basic approaches to spatial slum area definitions—top-down (starting with a predefined area which is then classified according to features present in that area) and bottom-up (defining the areal unit based on its features).Different requirements of a slum area definition according to its intended use.Implications for research and future development.
机译:尽管全世界估计有10亿人居住在贫民窟,但大多数健康与福祉调查并未区分贫民窟和非贫民窟的城市居民。确定居住在贫民窟的人对于研究很重要,也使决策者,方案管理者,捐助者和非政府组织能够更好地将投资和服务用于最贫困的地区。但是,关于什么是贫民窟,更不用说如何将贫民窟与非贫民区区分开,尚无共识。对于城市空间的更精细分类,也可能没有超出简单的贫民窟/非贫民窟二分法的范畴,也没有给予关注。本文的目的是提供一个概念框架,以帮助解决贫民窟的定义和城市景观分类的相关问题。我们讨论: class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc”> <!-list-behavior = unordered prefix-word = mark-type = disc max-label-size = 0-> 空间这一流行病学变量的概念导致“邻里效应”。 没有“金本位”时贫民区的定义问题。 -在定义或分类城市贫民窟空间时必须从中进行选择的变量列表。 在经营性贫民窟区域定义中组合任何已标识变量集的方法。 两个基本方法空间贫民窟区域定义的方法-自上而下(从预定义的区域开始,然后根据该区域中存在的特征对其进行分类)和自下而上(根据其特征定义区域单位)。 根据贫民窟的定义用途,对贫民区的定义有不同的要求。 对研究和未来发展的意义。



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