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Adapting and enhancing PAX Good Behavior Game for First Nations communities: a mixed-methods study protocol developed with Swampy Cree Tribal Council communities in Manitoba

机译:适应和增强针对原住民社区的PAX良好行为游戏:与曼尼托巴省的Swampy Cree部落理事会社区制定的混合方法研究协议



IntroductionHigh rates of mental health problems, such as suicidal behaviours, among First Nations youth in Canada are a major public health concern. The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a school-based intervention that provides a nurturing environment for children and has been shown to promote positive outcomes. PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) is an adaptation and enhancement of the GBG. While PAX GBG has been implemented in Indigenous communities, little research exists examining the cultural and contextual appropriateness and effectiveness of the intervention in First Nations communities.
机译:简介加拿大原住民青年中精神健康问题(例如自杀行为)的发生率很高,这是主要的公共卫生问题。良好行为游戏(GBG)是一种基于学校的干预措施,为孩子们提供了一个养育环境,并被证明可以促进积极的结果。 PAX行为良好游戏(PAX GBG)是对GBG的改编和增强。尽管PAX GBG已在土著社区中实施,但很少有研究检查干预措施在原住民社区的文化和背景上的适当性和有效性。



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