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Embedding sports and exercise medicine into the medical curriculum; a call for inclusion




The UK is currently facing an inactivity crises, with 1 in 5 children currently meeting physical activity guidelines (Health Survey for England, Children’s Health, 2016). To combat this growing problem there has been increased interest in promoting exercise and healthy lifestyle advise to patients as a method for improving public health. In line with this, the specialty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) has been gaining momentum and is now a recognised specialty with a higher specialist training programme. This postgraduate speciality aims to produce doctors who are experts in exercise and musculoskeletal medicine. Increasing numbers of NHS departments are employing SEM doctors to better manage musculoskeletal (MSK) issues and prescribe exercise (Morrissey et. al, Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 3:190–195, 2013). In keeping with this increased opportunity for SEM in postgraduate training, we believe that we should not forget that SEM should not be exclusive to postgraduates and there is increasing interest and need for teaching to medical students (Cullen et al, Br J Sports Med 34:244-245, 2000). This article provides an overview to students and clinicians into the current state of undergraduate SEM education in the UK, and highlights the importance of incorporating SEM into the medical curricula.
机译:英国目前正面临一场运动不足的危机,目前每5名儿童中就有1名符合身体活动指南(英格兰健康调查,儿童健康,2016年)。为了解决这个日益严重的问题,人们越来越关注促进运动和向患者建议健康的生活方式,以作为改善公共健康的一种方法。与此相应,运动与运动医学(SEM)的专业不断发展,现已成为公认的具有更高专业培训计划的专业。该研究生专业旨在培养运动和肌肉骨骼医学方面的专家医生。越来越多的NHS部门正在雇用SEM医生来更好地管理肌肉骨骼(MSK)问题并开出运动处方(Morrissey等人,《肌肉韧带肌腱J》(Muscles Ligaments Tendons J):190-195,2013年)。为了与SEM在研究生培训中的机会增加保持一致,我们相信我们不应忘记SEM不应该是研究生所独有的,并且对医学生教学的兴趣和需求正在增加(Cullen等,Br J Sports Med 34: 244-245,2000)。本文为学生和临床医生提供了有关英国大学本科SEM教育现状的概述,并强调了将SEM纳入医学课程的重要性。



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