首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Cancer >Combined intravenous and intraperitoneal chemotherapy with fluorouracil + leucovorin vs fluorouracil + levamisole for adjuvant therapy of resected colon carcinoma.

Combined intravenous and intraperitoneal chemotherapy with fluorouracil + leucovorin vs fluorouracil + levamisole for adjuvant therapy of resected colon carcinoma.




Adjuvant chemotherapy with fluorouracil (FU) and levamisole or FU/leucovorin (LV) has been established as effective adjuvant treatment for patients with stage III colon cancer. Among several other promising treatment strategies in resected colon cancer, intraperitoneal anti-cancer drug administration with its appealing rationale of counteracting microscopic residual disease on peritoneal surfaces and occult metachronous liver metastases by achieving high intraportal drug concentrations has not yet undergone sufficient clinical evaluation. To determine whether a combination of this locoregional therapeutic concept with systemic intravenous administration of FU/LV would yield better results than conventional adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy with FU/levamisole, the present randomized study was initiated. A total of 241 patients with resected stage III or high-risk stage II (T4N0M0) colon cancer were randomly assigned to 'standard therapy' with FU and levamisole, given for a duration of 6 months, or to an investigational arm, consisting of LV 200 mg m(-2) plus FU 350 mg m(-2), both administered intravenously (days 1-4) and intraperitoneally (days 1 and 3) every 4 weeks for a total of six courses. In patients with stage II disease, no significant difference was noted between the two arms after a median follow-up time of 4 years (range 2.5-6 years). Among 196 eligible patients with stage III disease, however, a comparative analysis of the two treatment groups suggested both an improvement in disease-free survival (P = 0.0014) and a survival advantage (P = 0.0005), with an estimated 43% reduction in mortality rate (95% confidence interval 26-70%) in favour of the investigational arm. In agreement with its theoretical rationale, combined intraperitoneal and intravenous FU/LV was particularly effective in reducing locoregional tumour recurrences with or without liver or other organ site involvement (9 vs 25 patients in the FU/levamisole arm; P = 0.005). Treatment-associated side-effects were infrequent and generally mild in both arms, although a lower rate of severe (WHO grade 3) adverse reactions was noted in patients receiving locoregional plus intravenous chemotherapy (3% vs 12%; P = 0.01). The results of this trial suggest that combined intraperitoneal plus systemic intravenous chemotherapy with FU/LV is a promising adjuvant treatment strategy in patients with surgically resected stage III colon carcinoma.
机译:氟尿嘧啶(FU)和左旋咪唑或FU /亚叶酸(LV)的辅助化疗已被确立为III期结肠癌患者的有效辅助治疗。在切除结肠癌的其他几种有希望的治疗策略中,腹膜内抗癌药物的给药具有诱人的原理,即通过达到较高的门内药物浓度来抵消腹膜表面的微观残留疾病和隐匿性异时性肝转移,尚未进行充分的临床评估。为了确定这种局部治疗概念与全身静脉内给药FU / LV的组合是否比使用FU /左旋咪唑的常规辅助化学免疫疗法产生更好的结果,启动了本随机研究。总共241例切除了III期或高危II期(T4N0M0)结肠癌的患者被随机分配为FU和左旋咪唑的“标准疗法”,为期6个月,或由LV组成的研究组每4周静脉(第1-4天)和腹膜内(第1和第3天)给予200 mg m(-2)和FU 350 mg m(-2),共六个疗程。在患有II期疾病的患者中,中位随访时间为4年(范围为2.5-6年)后,两组之间没有显着差异。然而,在196例符合条件的III期疾病患者中,对两个治疗组的比较分析表明,无病生存期有所改善(P = 0.0014)和生存优势(P = 0.0005),估计减少了43%。死亡率(95%置信区间26-70%)有利于研究部门。与其理论原理相吻合,腹膜内和静脉内联合FU / LV在减少有或无肝脏或其他器官部位受累的局部肿瘤复发方面特别有效(FU /左旋咪唑组9例与25例; P = 0.005)。与治疗相关的副作用很少见,并且在两只手臂上通常都是轻度的,尽管在局部和静脉化疗的患者中发现严重的不良反应(WHO 3级)的发生率较低(3%vs 12%; P = 0.01)。该试验的结果表明,腹腔内加全身静脉内化疗与FU / LV联合使用是手术切除的III期结肠癌患者的有希望的辅助治疗策略。



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