首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Postural and locomotor control in normal and vestibularly deficient mice

Postural and locomotor control in normal and vestibularly deficient mice




We investigated how vestibular information is used to maintain posture and control movement by studying vestibularly deficient mice (IsK−/− mutant). In these mutants, microscopy showed degeneration of the cristae of the semicircular canals and of the maculae of the utriculi and sacculi, while behavioural and vestibulo-ocular reflex testing showed that vestibular function was completely absent. However, the histology of Scarpa's ganglia and the vestibular nerves was normal in mutant mice, indicating the presence of intact central pathways. Using X-ray and high-speed cineradiography, we compared resting postures and locomotion patterns between these vestibularly deficient mice and vestibularly normal mice (wild-type and IsK+/−). The absence of vestibular function did not affect resting posture but had profound effects on locomotion. At rest, the S-shaped, sagittal posture of the vertebral column was the same for wild-type and mutant mice. Both held the head with the atlanto-occipital joint fully flexed, the cervico-thoracic junction fully flexed, and the cervical column upright. Wild-type mice extended the head and vertebral column and could walk in a straight line. In marked contrast, locomotion in vestibularly deficient mice was characterized by circling episodes, during which the vertebral column maintained an S-shaped posture. Thus, vestibular information is not required to control resting posture but is mandatory for normal locomotion. We propose that vestibular inputs are required to signal the completion of a planned trajectory because mutant mice continued rotating after changing heading direction. Our findings support the hypothesis that vertebrates limit the number of degrees of freedom to be controlled by adopting just a few of the possible skeletal configurations.
机译:我们通过研究前庭缺陷小鼠(IsK -/-突变体)调查了前庭信息如何用于维持姿势和控制运动。在这些突变体中,显微镜检查显示半规管的ista骨以及尿囊和结膜的黄斑变性,而行为和前庭眼反射测试表明前庭功能完全缺失。然而,Scarpa神经节和前庭神经的组织学在突变小鼠中是正常的,表明存在完整的中央通路。使用X射线和高速电影摄影技术,我们比较了这些前庭不足小鼠和前庭正常小鼠(野生型和IsK +/- )的静止姿势和运动方式。前庭功能的缺失不会影响休息姿势,但会对运动产生深远影响。静止时,对于野生型和突变型小鼠,椎骨的S形矢状位姿相同。双方都握住了头,寰枕关节完全屈曲,颈胸交界处屈曲,颈椎柱直立。野生型小鼠伸展头部和椎骨,可以成一直线行走。与之形成鲜明对比的是,前庭缺陷小鼠的运动表现为盘旋发作,在此期间脊柱保持S形姿势。因此,不需要前庭信息来控制休息姿势,而是正常运动所必需的。我们建议需要前庭输入来表示计划轨迹的完成,因为突变小鼠在改变航向后继续旋转。我们的发现支持以下假设:脊椎动物仅采用几种可能的骨骼构型限制了要控制的自由度数。



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