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Tamoxifen aminoglutethimide and danazol: effect of therapy on hormones in post-menopausal patients with breast cancer.




Gonadotrophins, oestradiol, androstenedione, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHAS) were measured sequentially in 72 patients with advanced breast cancer receiving endocrine therapy of various types. Tamoxifen significantly reduced gonadotrophins but did not effect other hormones. Danazol also reduced gonadotrophins. Aminoglutethimide (AGT) reduced oestradiol and DHAS but had not effect on gonadotrophins. The effects of administering tamoxifen, AGT and danazol together (TAD) together were therefore examined. This combination reduced gonadotrophins, oestradiol and DHAS, but no further than tamoxifen and AGT alone. The degree and duration of hormone suppression were similar in both responders and non-responders to tamoxifen, AGT or TAD, though patients responding to AGT showed more complete suppression at the end of the course of treatment, perhaps because they were treated longer. On relapse, adequate gonadotrophin and steroid suppression was demonstrated in patients receiving tamoxifen and AGT respectively. We conclude that (a) response to endocrine therapy is unlikely to be related to the degree of endocrine suppression produced by the therapy; (b) combination endocrine therapy does not further reduce serum-hormone concentrations and (c) relapse is unlikely to be due to escape from the hormone-inhibitory effects of endocrine agents.
机译:在72例接受各种类型内分泌治疗的晚期乳腺癌患者中,顺序测量了促性腺激素,雌二醇,雄烯二酮,睾丸激素和硫酸脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐(DHAS)。他莫昔芬显着减少促性腺激素,但不影响其他激素。达那唑还减少了促性腺激素。氨基谷氨酰胺(AGT)可以降低雌二醇和DHAS,但对促性腺激素没有作用。因此,检查了同时服用他莫昔芬,AGT和达那唑(TAD)的效果。这种组合减少了促性腺激素,雌二醇和DHAS,但仅比他莫昔芬和AGT少。响应者和非响应者中,他莫昔芬,AGT或TAD的激素抑制程度和持续时间相似,尽管对AGT响应的患者在疗程结束时表现出更完全的抑制作用,这可能是因为他们接受了更长的治疗。复发后,分别接受他莫昔芬和AGT的患者表现出足够的促性腺激素和类固醇抑制作用。我们得出以下结论:(a)对内分泌疗法的反应不太可能与该疗法产生的内分泌抑制程度有关; (b)组合内分泌治疗不能进一步降低血清激素浓度,并且(c)不太可能复发是由于摆脱了内分泌药物的激素抑制作用。



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