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ATP release from human airway epithelial cells studied using a capillary cell culture system




Epithelial release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an important autocrine and paracrine signalling molecule, is acutely mechanosensitive and therefore difficult to study. We describe here a novel preparation that minimizes mechanical and metabolic perturbations, and use it to examine ATP secretion by epithelial cells. The Calu-3 cell line derived from human airway sub-mucosal glands was cultured in a hollow fibre bioreactor on porous capillaries that were perfused by a re-circulating medium pump. Cells became polarized and cultures were stable for > 5 months, as evidenced by microscopy and lactate production (≈250 μg (108 cells)−1 day−1). Elevating apical flow rate 5-fold increased ATP secretion from ≈200 to 6618 fmol min−1. Reducing apical osmolarity by 25–43 % also increased ATP secretion, which then declined spontaneously to a plateau rate that persisted as long as hypotonic perfusion was maintained. Release deactivated rapidly after shear and osmotic stresses were terminated, and was not associated with detectable cell lysis. Lowering apical [Ca2+] to increase connexin hemichannel permeability also stimulated ATP release and increased secretion during both hyposmotic and shear stress; however, the connexin 43 blocker flufenamic acid inhibited shear-induced ATP release only in low-Ca2+ solution, and therefore another secretory pathway may operate with physiological (i.e. mm) calcium. Regardless of the mechanism, the present results quantify ATP responses to mechanical and osmotic stimuli and demonstrate the usefulness of capillary cultures for studying epithelial secretion.
机译:上皮释放的三磷酸腺苷(ATP)是一种重要的自分泌和旁分泌信号分子,具有强烈的机械敏感性,因此很难研究。我们在这里描述了一种最小化机械和代谢扰动的新颖制剂,并用它来检查上皮细胞的ATP分泌。在中空纤维生物反应器中,在多孔毛细管上培养来自人气道粘膜下腺的Calu-3细胞系,并用循环培养基泵灌注。显微镜检查和乳酸生成(≈250μg(10 8 个细胞) -1 day -1)证明了细胞变得极化并且培养稳定了超过5个月。 )。将心尖流速提高5倍,可使ATP分泌从≈200增加到6618 fmol min -1 。将顶端渗透压降低25%至43%也会增加ATP的分泌,然后ATP分泌会自发下降至平台率,只要维持低渗灌注就可以持续。剪切和渗透压力终止后释放迅速失活,并且与可检测的细胞裂解无关。降低根尖[Ca 2 + ]以增加连接蛋白半通道的通透性,还可以在低渗和剪切胁迫下刺激ATP释放并增加分泌。然而,连接蛋白43阻滞剂氟芬那酸仅在低Ca 2 + 溶液中抑制剪切诱导的ATP释放,因此另一种分泌途径可能与生理(即mm)钙一起起作用。无论采用哪种机制,本研究结果均定量了ATP对机械刺激和渗透刺激的反应,并证明了毛细管培养物对研究上皮分泌的有用性。



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