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Regulation of Na+ pump function by aldosterone is α-subunit isoform specific

机译:醛固酮对Na +泵功能的调节是α-亚基亚型特异性的



class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">During its early ‘genomic’ phase of action (< 3 h), aldosterone activates pre-existing Na+ pumps (Na+,K+-ATPase) in epithelia formed by Xenopus laevis A6 kidney cells.To test whether this action also applies to pumps containing mammalian α-subunits of different isoforms, we generated A6 cell lines expressing the naturally ouabain-resistant rat α1 subunit or the rat α2* and α3* subunits made ouabain resistant by site-directed mutagenesis.Cell lines were obtained which expressed the exogenous α-subunits in active, basolateral Na+ pumps, such that ouabain-resistant pump current (Ip) could be measured following apical permeabilization with amphotericin B.The inhibition constants (Ki) for ouabain of the current carried by the pumps containing exogenous rat α-subunits were similar to those reported previously for ATPase activity inhibition. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for Na+ (K+ replacement) was slightly higher for pumps containing the rat α1 than for those containing the α2* subunit (34.9 ± 1.9 versus 26.3 ± 2.6 mM).At a Na+ concentration of 10 mM, aldosterone (2.5 h) increased the pump current carried by endogenous pumps as well as that carried by pumps containing the exogenous rat α1 subunit (by 1.8- to 2.2-fold). In contrast, the current carried by pumps containing the exogenous rat α2* subunit remained unchanged.The fact that this early transcriptionally mediated activation of Na+ pumps by aldosterone is specific for pumps containing an α1 subunit should permit the identification in this subunit of structures involved in its regulation.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 在早期的“基因组”作用阶段(<3小时),醛固酮会激活预先存在的Na + 泵(Na + ,K + 爪蟾A6肾细胞形成的上皮细胞中的(ATPase)。 为测试该作用是否也适用于含有不同同种型的哺乳动物α亚基的泵,我们生成了表达天然哇巴因抗性大鼠的A6细胞系通过定点诱变使哇巴因具有α1亚基或大鼠α2*和α3*亚基。 获得了在活动的基底外侧Na + 泵,这样可以在用两性霉素B根尖通透后测量耐哇巴因的泵电流(Ip)。 含有外源大鼠α-的泵对哇巴因的抑制常数(Ki)亚基类似于那些先前报道的抑制ATPase活性的物质。 Na + (K + 替换)的表观米氏常数(Km)略高于包含大鼠α1的泵,高于包含α2*亚基的泵(34.9±1.9)与26.3±2.6 mM相比)。 在Na + 浓度为10 mM时,醛固酮(2.5 h)增大了内源性泵和泵的电流含有外源大鼠α1亚基(1.8到2.2倍)。相比之下,含有外源大鼠α2*亚基的泵所携带的电流保持不变。 醛固酮这种早期转录介导的Na + 泵的激活是泵特有的。包含一个α1亚基的分子应该可以识别出参与其调控的结构。



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