首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Muscle blood flow is reduced with dehydration during prolonged exercise in humans

Muscle blood flow is reduced with dehydration during prolonged exercise in humans




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">The present study examined whether the blood flow to exercising muscles becomes reduced when cardiac output and systemic vascular conductance decline with dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat. A secondary aim was to determine whether the upward drift in oxygen consumption (V̇O2) during prolonged exercise is confined to the active muscles.Seven euhydrated, endurance-trained cyclists performed two bicycle exercise trials in the heat (35 °C; 40–50% relative humidity; 61 ± 2% of maximal V̇O2), separated by 1 week. During the first trial (dehydration trial, DE), they bicycled until volitional exhaustion (135 ± 4 min, mean ± s.e.m.), while developing progressive dehydration and hyperthermia (3.9 ± 0.3% body weight loss; 39.7 ± 0.2 °C oesophageal temperature, Toes). In the second trial (control trial), they bicycled for the same period of time while maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids and stabilizing Toes at 38.2 ± 0.1 °C after 30 min exercise.In both trials, cardiac output, leg blood flow (LBF), vascular conductance and V̇O2 were similar after 20 min exercise. During the 20 min-exhaustion period of DE, cardiac output, LBF and systemic vascular conductance declined significantly (8–14%; P < 0.05) yet muscle vascular conductance was unaltered. In contrast, during the same period of control, all these cardiovascular variables tended to increase. After 135 ± 4 min of DE, the 2.0 ± 0.6 l min−1 lower blood flow to the exercising legs accounted for approximately two-thirds of the reduction in cardiac output. Blood flow to the skin also declined markedly as forearm blood flow was 39 ± 8% (P < 0.05) lower in DE vs. control after 135 ± 4 min.In both trials, whole body V̇O2 and leg V̇O2 increased in parallel and were similar throughout exercise. The reduced leg blood flow in DE was accompanied by an even greater increase in femoral arterial-venous O2 (a-vO2) difference.It is concluded that blood flow to the exercising muscles declines significantly with dehydration, due to a lowering in perfusion pressure and systemic blood flow rather than increased vasoconstriction. Furthermore, the progressive increase in oxygen consumption during exercise is confined to the exercising skeletal muscles.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 本研究研究了长时间热运动中,由于脱水导致心输出量和全身血管导度下降,运动肌肉的血流量是否减少。第二个目的是确定长时间运动过程中氧气消耗量(V̇O2)的向上漂移是否仅限于活跃的肌肉。 七名水合耐力训练有素的骑自行车者在高温下进行了两次自行车运动试验(35) °C;相对湿度40–50%;最大V̇O2的61±2%),间隔1周。在第一个试验(脱水试验,DE)中,他们骑自行车直到疲惫(135±4分钟,平均±sem),同时进行性脱水和体温过高(体重减轻3.9±0.3%;食道温度为39.7±0.2°C,脚趾)。在第二项试验(对照试验)中,他们运动了30分钟后,骑自行车了相同的时间,同时通过摄入液体和使脚趾稳定在38.2±0.1°C来保持水合作用。 在两项试验中,心输出量运动20分钟后,腿血流量(LBF),血管电导和V̇O2相似。在DE的20分钟力竭期间,心输出量,LBF和全身血管电导率显着下降(8–14%; P <0.05),而肌肉血管电导率未改变。相反,在相同的控制时期内,所有这些心血管变量都有增加的趋势。在135±4分钟的DE后,流向运动腿的2.0±0.6 l min -1 较低的血流约占心输出量减少的三分之二。皮肤的血流量也显着下降,因为135±4分钟后DE的前臂血流量比对照组低39±8%(P <0.05)。 在两个试验中,全身V̇O2和腿V̇O2平行增加,在整个运动过程中相似。 DE的腿部血流减少伴随股骨动静脉O2(a-vO2)差异的增加甚至更大。 结论是,由于脱水,流向运动肌肉的血流明显减少,这是由于降低灌注压力和全身血流量,而不是增加血管收缩。此外,运动过程中氧气消耗的逐渐增加仅限于运动中的骨骼肌。



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