首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >Refractive changes in diabetic patients during intensive glycaemic control

Refractive changes in diabetic patients during intensive glycaemic control




AIMS—To evaluate the clinical course and the characteristics of transient refractive error occurring during intensive glycaemic control of severe hyperglycaemia.
METHODS—28 eyes of patients with persistent diabetes were included in this prospective study. During the observation period, patients underwent general ophthalmological examination and A-mode scan ultrasonography was performed at each examination—at days 1, 3, and 7, and then once every week or every other week until recovery of hyperopia.
RESULTS—A transient hyperopic change occurred in all patients receiving improved control after hyperglycaemia. Hyperopic change developed a mean of 3.4 (SD 2.0) days after the onset of treatment, and reached a peak at 10.3 (6.1) days, where the maximum hyperopic change in an eye was 1.47 (0.87) D (range 0.50-3.75 D). Recovery of the previous refraction occurred between 14 and 84 days after the initial assessment. There was a positive correlation between the magnitude of the maximum hyperopic change and (1) the plasma glucose concentration on admission (p<0.01), (2) the HbA1c level on admission (p<0.005), (3) the daily rate of plasma glucose reduction over the first 7 days of treatment (p<0.001), (4) the number of days required for hyperopia to reach its peak (p<0.001), and (5) the number of days required for the development and resolution of hyperopic changes (p<0.0001). There was a negative correlation between the maximum hyperopic change of an eye and baseline value of refraction (p<0.01). During transient hyperopia, no significant changes were observed in the radius of the anterior corneal curvature, axial length, lens thickness, or depth of anterior chamber.
CONCLUSIONS—The degree of transient hyperopia associated with rapid correction of hyperglycaemia is highly dependent on the rate of reduction of the plasma glucose level. A reduction of refractive index in intraocular tissues, especially in lens, appears to be responsible for this hyperopic change.

方法—这项前瞻性研究纳入了28例持续性糖尿病患者。在观察期内,对患者进行一般眼科检查,并在每次检查(第1、3, 和第7天)进行一次A型扫描超声检查,然后每周或每隔一周进行一次直至恢复。远视。
结果-高血糖后接受改善控制的所有患者均发生短暂性远视改变。远视改变在治疗开始后平均发展3.4(SD 2.0)天,并在10.3(6.1)天达到峰值,其中眼睛的最大远视改变为1.47(0.87)D(范围0.50-3.75 D) 。在最初评估后的14至84天之间,恢复了先前的屈光度。最大远视变化量与(1)入院时血浆葡萄糖浓度(p <0.01),(2)入院时HbA1c水平(p <0.005),(3)每日摄入率之间存在正相关关系在治疗的前7天血糖下降(p <0.001),(4)远视达到高峰所需的天数(p <0.001),以及(5)发育和消退所需的天数远视变化(p <0.0001)。眼睛的最大远视变化与折射的基线值之间存在负相关(p <0.01)。在短暂性远视期间,未观察到前角膜曲率半径,轴向长度,晶状体厚度或前房深度的明显变化。



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