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Neuroeffector transmission in arterioles of the guinea-pig choroid




class="enumerated" style="list-style-type:decimal">Using conventional microelectrode techniques, membrane potentials were recorded from smooth muscle cells of guinea-pig choroidal arterioles.Transmural stimulation initiated excitatory junction potentials (EJPs) which were abolished by either guanethidine or α,β-methylene-ATP but not by phentolamine, indicating that they resulted from activation of purinoceptors.Trains of stimuli evoked EJPs which were followed by a slow depolarization, an inhibitory junction potential (IJP) or a biphasic membrane potential change which consisted of an IJP and a subsequent slow depolarization.Slow depolarizations were abolished by either phentolamine or guanethidine, indicating that they resulted from activation of α-adrenoceptors.IJPs were abolished by atropine but not by guanethidine, and were reduced by 50 % by apamin with the residual response being abolished by charybdotoxin, indicating that they resulted from the activation of muscarinic receptors which open two sets of Ca2+-activated K+ channels.Most responses were followed by slow hyperpolarizations. These were almost abolished by L-nitroarginine, an effect which was partly overcome by L-arginine, and were abolished by glibenclamide, indicating that they resulted from the release of NO and activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels.Immunohistochemical analysis showed that arterioles were densely innervated by adrenergic nerve fibres. A population of fibres, likely to be cholinergic, was also identified. Furthermore, populations of nerve fibres immunoreactive to antibodies against either nitric oxide synthase (NOS) or substance P (SP) were also identified.These findings indicate that choroidal arterioles of the guinea-pig are innervated by at least three different populations of nerves, adrenergic nerves which evoke excitatory responses, cholinergic nerves which evoke inhibitory responses and a population of nerves which cause the release of NO.
机译:class =“ enumerated” style =“ list-style-type:decimal”> <!-list-behavior =枚举前缀-word = mark-type = decimal max-label-size = 0-> 使用传统的微电极技术,记录了豚鼠脉络膜小动脉的平滑肌细胞的膜电位。 经壁刺激引起的兴奋性连接电位(EJP)被胍乙啶或α,β-亚甲基-ATP消除了 刺激性EJPs的刺激,随后是缓慢的去极化,抑制性连接电位(IJP)或双相膜电位变化,其中包括: Ili和随后的缓慢去极化。 苯妥拉明或胍乙啶消除了缓慢的去极化,这表明它们是由α-肾上腺素受体的激活引起的。 IJP被阿托品所消除。通过胍乙啶,并通过apapa降低50% charybdotoxin消除了残留的响应,表明它们是由毒蕈碱受体激活导致的,该受体打开了两组由Ca 2 + 激活的K + 通道。 < li>大多数反应之后是缓慢的超极化。这些几乎被L-硝基精氨酸所废除,而L-精氨酸部分地克服了这一作用,而被glibenclamide所废除了,表明它们是由于NO的释放和ATP敏感性K + 的活化所致。 免疫组织化学分析显示,肾小管被肾上腺素能神经纤维密集支配。还确定了可能是胆碱能的一组纤维。此外,还鉴定了对一氧化氮合酶(NOS)或P物质(SP)的抗体具有免疫反应性的神经纤维。 这些发现表明,豚鼠的脉络膜小动脉至少受神经支配。三种不同的神经,引起兴奋性反应的肾上腺能神经,引起抑制性反应的胆碱能神经和引起NO释放的神经。



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