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Electrophysiological events during neuroeffector transmission in the spleen of guinea-pigs and rats.




Intracellular recordings were made from smooth muscle cells of arterioles and the capsule of the spleen of guinea-pig and rat, and the responses to periarterial or subcapsular nerve stimulation were recorded. The innervation of the spleen was studied using fluorescence and immunohistochemical techniques. Catecholamine-containing axons were associated with smooth muscle of the splenic capsule, trabeculae, arterioles and amongst cells of the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath. Axons immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y (NPY) and tyrosine hydroxylase were distributed in an identical manner to catecholamine-containing axons, whereas axons immunoreactive for substance P or calcitonin gene-related peptide were present at a very low density in spleens from both species. In segments of arterioles, single transmural stimuli evoked excitatory junction potentials (EJPs) of 1-10 mV amplitude. EJPs facilitated during short trains of stimuli (1-10 Hz) and summated at 10 Hz, often initiating a muscle action potential. EJPs persisted in the presence of prazosin (1 microM) and idazoxan (1 microM), but were abolished by the P2x-purinoceptor antagonist suramin (1 mM). Spontaneous depolarizations were observed in smooth muscle cells of arterioles and capsule. Some events in arterioles were observed in the presence of suramin and so may originate postjunctionally independently of transmitter release. As single transmural stimuli failed to evoke a depolarization in capsular smooth muscle, spontaneous depolarizations in this tissue probably also arise postjunctionally. Short trains of high frequency stimuli (10-35 Hz) evoked biphasic depolarizations of capsular smooth muscle cells. The initial component peaked 2.5 s following the onset of stimulation; the second component peaked 15 s following the onset and decayed exponentially with a time constant of 15 s. By fitting a product of exponentials to the second component, it was possible to define the initial component, which decayed with a time constant of around 1.5 s. Neurally evoked depolarizations of capsular smooth muscle were abolished by 1 microM TTX. Blockade of alpha 1-adrenoceptors with prazosin reduced the initial component of the depolarization, whereas alpha 2-adrenoceptor blockade with idazoxan virtually abolished the second component. In some cells a small, faster depolarization persisted after alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. The slow alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated depolarization was identical to that recorded in the rat tail artery and in the guinea-pig mesenteric vein. The data indicate that sympathetic neuroeffector transmission from noradrenergic axons containing NPY to splenic arterial and capsular smooth muscle occur by different mechanisms.
机译:从小动脉的平滑肌细胞以及豚鼠和大鼠的脾脏的囊中进行细胞内记录,并记录对动脉周围或包膜下神经刺激的反应。使用荧光和免疫组织化学技术研究脾的神经支配。含儿茶酚胺的轴突与脾囊,小梁,小动脉以及小动脉周围淋巴鞘细胞之间的平滑肌有关。对神经肽Y(NPY)和酪氨酸羟化酶具有免疫反应性的轴突与含儿茶酚胺的轴突的分布方式相同,而对P物质或降钙素基因相关肽具有免疫反应性的轴突在两个物种的脾脏中的密度都非常低。在小动脉节段中,单次透壁刺激引起1-10 mV振幅的兴奋性连接电位(EJP)。 EJP在短时间的刺激(1-10 Hz)期间得到促进,并在10 Hz时累加,通常会引发肌肉动作电位。 EJPs在存在哌唑嗪(1 microM)和咪唑x(1 microM)的情况下持续存在,但被P2x-嘌呤受体拮抗剂苏拉明(1 mM)废除了。在小动脉和胶囊的平滑肌细胞中观察到自发去极化。在存在苏拉明的情况下观察到小动脉中的某些事件,因此可能在结节后起源,独立于递质释放。由于单个的透壁刺激未能引起囊状平滑肌去极化,因此该组织中的自发去极化也可能在结后出现。短周期的高频刺激(10-35 Hz)引起包膜平滑肌细胞的双相去极化。刺激开始后2.5秒,初始成分达到峰值。第二个分量在开始后15 s达到峰值,并以15 s的时间常数呈指数衰减。通过将指数乘积拟合到第二个分量,可以定义初始分量,该分量以约1.5 s的时间常数衰减。 1 microM TTX消除了囊性平滑肌的神经诱发的去极化。用哌唑嗪阻断α1-肾上腺素受体减少了去极化的初始成分,而用咪唑id的α2肾上腺素受体阻断剂实际上消除了第二种成分。在某些细胞中,α-肾上腺素受体阻滞后持续较小,更快的去极化作用。慢的α2-肾上腺素受体介导的去极化与大鼠尾动脉和豚鼠肠系膜静脉中记录的相同。数据表明,从包含NPY的去甲肾上腺素能轴突到脾动脉和包膜平滑肌的交感神经效应传递是通过不同的机制发生的。



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