首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Activation of midlumbar neurones by afferents from anterior hindlimb muscles in the cat.

Activation of midlumbar neurones by afferents from anterior hindlimb muscles in the cat.




1. It has been suggested that a group of interneurones located in the midlumbar segments of the spinal cord might play a role in switching from the stance to swing phases of the step cycle during locomotion. We have further examined the input to these neurones from proprioceptive afferents to test whether the connections to these cells are consistent with this role. 2. Electrical stimulation of group I and group II afferents in branches of the femoral nerve which supply iliopsoas, the major hip flexor muscle, excited a large majority of intermediate zone midlumbar interneurones which receive input from quadriceps group II afferents. The central latencies and properties of the EPSPs indicate that both group I and group II afferents from iliopsoas make monosynaptic connections with many midlumbar interneurones. 3. Group II afferents from both the ankle flexor tibialis anterior and the digit dorsiflexor extensor digitorum longus excited midlumbar interneurones. Similarly, they were also excited by group II afferents from both of the two main anatomical divisions of the sartorius muscle. 4. The frequent and potent excitation of midlumbar neurones from group I and II afferents in iliopsoas suggests that they may be excited at the end of the stance phase of the step when these muscles are stretched. This possibility is discussed in relation to recent work on the functional control of the step cycle.
机译:有人提出,在运动过程中,位于脊髓中腰段的一组中间神经元可能在步态从站姿到摆动阶段的转换中起作用。我们进一步检查了本体感受性传入这些神经元的输入,以测试与这些细胞的连接是否与此角色一致。 2.电刺激股神经分支I和II组传入神经,其供应nerve腰肌,即主要的髋屈肌,使绝大部分中段腰间神经元兴奋,这些中间区中枢神经吸收来自股四头肌II组传入的输入。 EPSP的中心潜伏期和性质表明,鱼的I组和II组传入与许多中腰间神经元形成单突触连接。 3.踝前屈胫前肌和趾背伸指长伸指长肌兴奋中腰间神经元的第二组传入。类似地,他们也被缝线肌的两个主要解剖部分的第II组传入刺激。 4.骨肌I和II组传入中腰神经元的频繁而有力的刺激表明,当这些肌肉伸展时,他们可能会在步态阶段结束时被激发。结合步骤循环功能控制的最新工作讨论了这种可能性。



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