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Concomitant activation of Cl- and K+ currents by secretory stimulation in human epithelial cells.

机译:在人上皮细胞中通过分泌刺激同时激活Cl-和K +电流。



1. Whole-cell currents were investigated in the model salt-secreting epithelium, human T84 cell line, by means of the perforated patch-clamp technique. In the control extracellular medium containing Cl-, depolarizing voltage ramps evoked current responses which peaked at 5.43 +/- 0.81 pA pF-1 at +60 mV and had a reversal potential (Erev) of -38.4 +/- 2.5 mV (n = 23). 2. Activation of the cAMP pathway with forskolin increased the current at +60 mV from 3.81 +/- 0.61 to 20.79 +/- 5.08 pA pF-1 (n = 18). In thirteen cells, Erev was initially shifted towards positive potentials (Erev of the cAMP-activated initial current was -18.2 +/- 1.2 mV) and subsequently shifted towards more negative potentials, consistent with the activation of both Cl- and K+ currents during cAMP stimulation. 3. Increasing the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, with ionomycin (1 microM) or with acetylcholine (1 microM), increased the current at +60 mV from 7.79 +/- 1.57 to 57.50 +/- 12.10 pA pF-1 (n = 6) and from 6.36 to 34.13 pA pF-1 (n = 4), respectively. With both agonists, Erev was shifted either towards the reversal potential for potassium, EK, or towards the reversal potential for chloride, ECl, depending on the cell. 4. In the absence of chloride ions (gluconate substituted), stimulation of the Ca2+ pathway activated a time-independent outward current of large amplitude. This current exhibited inward rectification at positive voltages, reverted at -89.5 +/- 0.2 mV and was markedly reduced by charybdotoxin (10 nM), a specific blocker of Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels. When a voltage step protocol was used, increased [Ca2+]i also activated an outward current at potentials more positive than -40 mV which slowly relaxed during depolarizing steps. 5. The activation of both (i) a time-dependent inwardly rectifying charybdotoxin-sensitive K+ current, and (ii) a time-dependent slowly inactivating current was also produced by cAMP stimulation. 6. We concluded that (i) in the T84 epithelial cells, both Cl- and K+ currents are concomitantly increased by secretagogue stimulation, and (ii) two different types of K+ conductances are activated by either the cAMP or the intracellular Ca2+ secreting pathways.
机译:1.通过穿孔膜片钳技术,在盐分泌上皮模型人T84细胞系中研究了全细胞电流。在含有Cl-的对照细胞外培养基中,去极化电压斜坡引起的电流响应在+60 mV处达到5.43 +/- 0.81 pA pF-1的峰值,并且反向电位(Erev)为-38.4 +/- 2.5 mV(n = 23)。 2.用福司柯林激活cAMP途径使+60 mV时的电流从3.81 +/- 0.61增加到20.79 +/- 5.08 pA pF-1(n = 18)。在13个细胞中,Erev最初移向正电势(cAMP激活的初始电流的Erev为-18.2 +/- 1.2 mV),随后移向更多的负电势,这与cAMP期间Cl-和K +电流的激活一致刺激。 3.使用离子霉素(1 microM)或使用乙酰胆碱(1 microM)增加细胞内Ca2 +浓度[Ca2 +] i,将+60 mV的电流从7.79 +/- 1.57增加到57.50 +/- 12.10 pA pF-1 (n = 6)和从6.36至34.13 pA pF-1(n = 4)。在两种激动剂的作用下,取决于细胞,Erev要么转移到钾的逆转电位(EK),要么转移到氯化物的逆转电位(EC1)。 4.在不存在氯离子(葡萄糖酸取代)的情况下,Ca2 +途径的刺激激活了一个与时间无关的大幅度向外电流。此电流在正电压下表现出向内整流,在-89.5 +/- 0.2 mV时恢复,并被charybdotoxin(10 nM)(Ca(2+)激活的K +通道的一种特定阻滞剂)显着降低。当使用电压阶跃方案时,增加的[Ca2 +] i也会以比-40 mV更高的电势激活向外的电流,该电流在去极化步骤中会缓慢松弛。 5.通过cAMP刺激还产生了(i)时间依赖性的向内整流的对甲壳菌毒素敏感的K +电流和(ii)时间依赖性的缓慢失活的电流两者的激活。 6.我们得出的结论是(i)在T84上皮细胞中,促分泌素刺激同时增加了Cl-和K +电流,并且(ii)cAMP或细胞内Ca2 +分泌途径激活了两种不同类型的K +电导。



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