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Visual resolution of macaque retinal ganglion cells.




1. The visual resolving ability of different types of macaque retinal ganglion cells was estimated at different retinal eccentricities, by measuring the amplitude of modulated responses to black-white gratings of spatial frequencies near the resolution limit for each cell. 2. The resolving ability of tonic, spectrally opponent ganglion cells was usually similar to that of phasic, non-opponent ganglion cells at similar eccentricities, except that at eccentricities greater than 10 deg some tonic ganglion cells with remarkably high resolution (up to ca. 15 cycles/deg) were found. Our cell sample was limited within the central 2 deg of the visual field, however. 3. Only a small proportion of phasic ganglion cells showed an increase of mean firing level to gratings near the resolution limit. The maintained firing of tonic ganglion cells was higher than that of phasic ganglion cells. 4. With red-black or green-black gratings, the resolution of phasic ganglion cells was unaffected. For red or green on-centre ganglion cells, a marked deterioration of resolving ability occurred when the grating was of a colour to which a cell responded poorly (green-black gratings for red on-centre cells, and red-black gratings for green on-centre cells). A slight improvement in resolving ability occurred when the grating was of an excitatory colour. 5. For a sub-sample of cells, we compared resolution limit with centre size as determined from area-threshold curves. For both phasic and tonic ganglion cells, resolution limit (the period length just resolved) was about half the centre diameter, as is the case for cat ganglion cells. This implies that the centre sizes of phasic and tonic monkey ganglion cells are similar at most eccentricities. 6. We attempt to relate these results to primate retinal anatomy and visual resolution, determined behaviourally.
机译:1.通过测量对每个细胞分辨率极限附近的空间频率的黑白光栅的调制响应的幅度,估计不同类型的猕猴视网膜神经节细胞在不同视网膜偏心率下的视觉分辨能力。 2.在相似的偏心率下,补品在频谱上对立的神经节细胞的分辨能力通常类似于相性的非对手神经节细胞,但在偏心率大于10度时,某些滋补神经节细胞的分辨力非常高(最高可达ca.发现15个循环/度。但是,我们的细胞样本被限制在视野的中心2度以内。 3.只有一小部分的相神经节细胞在分辨率极限附近显示出对光栅的平均发射水平的增加。滋补神经节细胞的维持放电高于相神经节细胞。 4.使用红黑或绿黑光栅,相神经节细胞的分辨率不受影响。对于红色或绿色的中心神经节细胞,当光栅的颜色对细胞的响应较差时,分辨能力会显着降低(绿色的黑色中心光栅用于红色中心细胞,绿色的红色黑色光栅用于绿色中心细胞)。 -中心细胞)。当光栅为激发色时,分辨能力略有提高。 5.对于细胞的子样本,我们将分辨率极限与从面积阈值曲线确定的中心大小进行了比较。对于相位神经节细胞和补品神经节细胞,分辨率极限(刚确定的周期长度)约为中心直径的一半,对于猫神经节细胞而言也是如此。这表明,相变和补品猴神经节细胞的中心大小在大多数离心率上都相似。 6.我们试图将这些结果与行为灵敏的灵长类视网膜解剖和视觉分辨率联系起来。



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