首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Sports Medicine >Dietary creatine supplementation does not affect some haematological indices or indices of muscle damage and hepatic and renal function

Dietary creatine supplementation does not affect some haematological indices or indices of muscle damage and hepatic and renal function




Background—The use of creatine (Cr) as a nutritional supplement to aid athletic performance has gained widespread popularity among athletes. However, concerns have recently been expressed over potentially harmful effects of short and long term Cr supplementation on health. Methods—Forty eight young healthy subjects were randomly allocated to three experimental protocols aimed at elucidating any potential health risks associated with five days (20 g/day) to nine weeks (3 g/day) of Cr supplementation. Venous blood samples were collected before and after periods of Cr supplementation and were analysed for some haematological indices, and for indices of hepatic, muscular, and renal dysfunction. Findings—All measured indices were well within their respective normal range at all times. Serum creatinine concentration tended to be increased the day after Cr supplementation. However, values had returned to baseline six weeks after the cessation of supplementation. These increases were probably attributable to increased creatinine production rather than renal dysfunction. No indication of impairment to the haematological indices measured, hepatic function, or muscle damage was apparent after Cr supplementation. Interpretation—These data provide evidence that there are no obvious adverse effects of acute or more chronic Cr supplementation on the haematological indices measured, nor on hepatic, muscle, and renal function. Therefore there is no apparent health risk associated with Cr supplementation to healthy people when it is ingested in quantities that have been scientifically proven to increase muscle Cr stores. >Key Words: creatine supplementation; kidney; liver; blood; muscle; exercise; metabolism
机译:背景技术-肌酸(Cr)作为营养补充品以帮助提高运动成绩在运动员中已得到广泛普及。但是,近来有人对短期和长期补充铬对健康的潜在有害影响表示关注。方法-将48位年轻健康受试者随机分配到三个实验方案中,以阐明与补充铬5天(20 g /天)至9周(3 g /天)相关的任何潜在健康风险。在补充铬之前和之后收集静脉血样本,并分析一些血液学指标以及肝,肌肉和肾功能不全的指标。调查结果-所有测得的指数始终都在各自的正常范围内。补充铬后第二天血清肌酐浓度趋于升高。但是,在停止补充六周后,该值已恢复到基线。这些增加可能归因于肌酐产生的增加,而不是肾功能不全。补充铬后,没有明显的血液学指标,肝功能或肌肉损伤的迹象。解释—这些数据提供了证据,表明急性或长期补充Cr对所测血液学指标,肝,肌肉和肾功能均无明显不利影响。因此,如果摄入的铬量已被科学证明可以增加肌肉中的Cr的摄入量,则对健康人来说,没有明显的健康危险。 >关键字:肌酸补充剂;肾;肝;血液;肌肉;行使;代谢



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