首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Muscle but not cutaneous C-afferent input produces prolonged increases in the excitability of the flexion reflex in the rat.

Muscle but not cutaneous C-afferent input produces prolonged increases in the excitability of the flexion reflex in the rat.




Stimulation of cutaneous afferent fibres in the sural nerve and muscle afferent fibres in the gastrocnemius-soleus nerve at a strength that excites C axons produces a delayed and long-lasting burst of activity in posterior biceps femoris/semitendinosus flexor motoneurones. Following a 20 s stimulation at 1 Hz to the sural nerve the flexor motoneurones continue to fire for 20 s while a similar stimulus to gastrocnemius-soleus nerve results in an after-discharge lasting three times longer. Using stimuli to the sural and gastrocnemius-soleus nerves as conditioning stimuli (20 s, 1 Hz) changes in the excitability of the flexor reflex were measured by recording the discharge evoked by a test sural nerve stimulus or by a standard pinch to the ipsilateral and contralateral toes. Prior to any conditioning stimulus the flexor reflex remained stable for prolonged periods. Conditioning stimuli at strengths that activated large myelinated afferent fibres only, or large and small myelinated afferent fibres, failed to produce more than a very transient alteration in the reflex excitability. Conditioning stimuli at C-fibre strength to the sural nerve produced a marked increase in the excitability of the reflex for 10 min. C-fibre strength gastrocnemius-soleus nerve conditioning stimuli resulted in a similar increase in excitability followed by a second phase of facilitation peaking at 20-30 min and lasting for up to 90 min. The afferent barrage initiated by cutting the sural and gastrocnemius-soleus nerves resulted in similar patterns of reflex excitability increases with the muscle nerve resulting in a more prolonged effect than the cutaneous nerve. The results show that a brief C-afferent fibre input into the spinal cord can produce a prolonged increase in the excitability of the flexion reflex and that muscle C-afferent fibres evoke longer-lasting changes than cutaneous C fibres. The differences in the time course of the post-conditioning effects may be related to the well-described differences in the sensory consequences of injury to skin versus deep tissue.
机译:以刺激C轴突的强度刺激腓肠神经和腓肠比目鱼神经中的皮肤传入纤维,并在股二头肌/半侧屈肌腱运动神经元中产生延迟而持久的爆发。在对腓肠神经进行1 Hz的20 s刺激之后,屈肌神经元继续发射20 s,而类似于腓肠肌-比目鱼神经的刺激导致后放电持续时间延长三倍。使用腓肠神经和腓肠比目鱼神经刺激作为条件刺激(20 s,1 Hz),通过记录受试腓肠神经刺激或标准捏合同侧和外侧引起的放电来测量屈肌反射的兴奋性变化。对侧脚趾。在进行任何调节刺激之前,屈肌反射会长期保持稳定。在仅激活大的带髓鞘的传入纤维或大和小的带髓鞘的传入纤维的强度下的条件刺激不能产生超过反射性兴奋性的非常短暂的改变。以腓肠肌C纤维强度进行条件刺激后,反射的兴奋性显着提高了10分钟。 C纤维强度腓肠比目鱼神经调节刺激导致兴奋性的相似增加,随后的第二阶段促进在20-30分钟达到峰值,并持续长达90分钟。切断腓肠神经和腓肠比目鱼神经引发的传入弹幕导致类似的反射兴奋性模式随肌肉神经而增加,从而导致效果比皮肤神经更长。结果表明,向脊髓中短暂输入C活性纤维可以使屈曲反射的兴奋性延长,并且与皮肤C纤维相比,肌肉C活性纤维引起的变化更持久。后调节作用的时间过程中的差异可能与皮肤与深部组织损伤的感觉结果中已充分描述的差异有关。



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