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Occlusion of rubidium ions by the sodium-potassium pump: its implications for the mechanism of potassium transport




1. The occlusion of rubidium ions by Na, K-ATPase has been investigated by suspending enzyme prepared from pig kidney outer medulla in media containing low concentrations of 86Rb, forcing the suspensions rapidly through small columns of cation-exchange resin, and measuring the amounts of radioactivity emerging from the columns.2. When the suspension media contained 2 mM-ATP or ADP, or 15 mM-NaCl, the amounts of radioactivity emerging from the columns were greatly (and similarly) reduced, presumably because both nucleotides and sodium ions stabilized the enzyme in the E1 form. (See p. 19 for definition of E1 and E2). The extra radioactivity carried through the columns when nucleotides and sodium were absent was taken as a measure of the amount of rubidium occluded within the enzyme (in the E2 form) when it emerged from the resin.3. By varying the flow rate, and therefore the time spent by the enzyme on the resin, and relating this to the amount of radioactivity emerging from the columns, we have been able to estimate the rate constant for the conformational change (E2 → E1) that allows the occluded rubidium ions to escape. At 20 °C, and in the absence of nucleotides, it is about 0·1 S-1.4. The rate constant for rubidium release was the same in a sodium-containing as in a potassium-containing medium. The opposite effects of sodium and potassium ions on the poise of the equilibrium between the E1 and the E2 forms of the enzyme must, therefore, be due solely to opposite effects of these ions on the rate of conversion of E1 to E2.5. The rate constant for rubidium release was greatly increased by ATP and by ADP. Both nucleotides appeared to act at low-affinity sites and without phosphorylating the enzyme.6. Orthovanadate, in the presence of magnesium ions, stabilized the enzyme in the occluded-rubidium (E2Rb) form.7. Ouabain, in the presence of magnesium ions, prevented the occlusion of rubidium ions.8. We have measured the amount of rubidium occluded by the enzyme as a function of rubidium concentration, and estimate that at saturating rubidium concentrations about three rubidium ions can be occluded per phosphorylation site (or per ouabain-binding site).9. We have found that the occluded-rubidium form of the enzyme can also be formed by allowing rubidium ions to catalyse the hydrolysis of phosphoenzyme generated by the addition of ATP to enzyme suspended in a high-sodium medium.10. The properties of the occluded-rubidium form of the enzyme, and of the two routes that can lead to its formation, suggest that an analagous occluded-potassium form plays a central role in the transport of potassium ions through the sodium—potassium pump. This hypothesis is supported by a detailed consideration of the probable magnitudes of the rate constants of the individual reactions making up the two routes.
机译:1.通过将猪肾脏外延髓制备的酶悬浮在低浓度的 86 Rb介质中,研究了Na,Na-K-ATPase对id离子的吸附,从而迫使悬浮液迅速通过小阳离子柱交换树脂,并测量从色谱柱产生的放射性。2。当悬浮介质包含2 mM-ATP或ADP或15 mM-NaCl时,从色谱柱中出现的放射性大大降低(并且类似地),这可能是因为核苷酸和钠离子都稳定了E1形式的酶。 (有关E1和E2的定义,请参见第19页)。当核苷酸和钠不存在时,通过柱子携带的额外放射性被用来衡量当酶从树脂中出来时(E2形式)酶中cc的含量。3。通过改变流速,从而改变酶在树脂上所花费的时间,并将其与从色谱柱中产生的放射性相关联,我们已经能够估算出构象变化的速率常数(E2→E1),允许the离子逸出。在20°C且没有核苷酸的情况下,约为0·1 S -1 .4。 a在含钠的介质中的释放速率常数与在含钾的介质中的释放速率常数相同。因此,钠和钾离子对酶的E1和E2形式之间平衡平衡的相反作用,必须完全是由于这些离子对E1转化为E2.5的转化率的相反作用。 ATP和ADP大大提高了release释放的速率常数。这两个核苷酸似乎都在低亲和力的位置起作用,并且没有使酶磷酸化。6。在镁离子存在的情况下,原钒酸盐可将酶稳定化为--rub(E2Rb)形式。7。瓦巴因在存在镁离子的情况下阻止了ions离子的吸留。8。我们已经测量了该酶所吸附的rub的量随of浓度的变化,并估计在饱和rub浓度下,每个磷酸化位点(或每个哇巴因结合位点)可吸收大约三个rub离子。9。我们发现该酶的form- form形式也可以通过使rub离子催化将ATP加到悬浮在高钠介质中的酶中所产生的磷酸酶的水解而形成。10。该酶的-form形式的特性以及可能导致其形成的两条途径的性质表明,类似的o-钾形式在钾离子通过钠钾泵的转运中起着核心作用。通过详细考虑构成这两种途径的各个反应的速率常数的大小,可以支持该假设。



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