首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >The use of lanthanum to estimate the numbers of extracellular cation-exchanging sites in the guinea-pigs taenia coli and its effects on transmembrane monovalent ion movements.

The use of lanthanum to estimate the numbers of extracellular cation-exchanging sites in the guinea-pigs taenia coli and its effects on transmembrane monovalent ion movements.




1. Tissues were allowed to equilibrate in a Tris-buffered Krebs solution and were then exposed to similar solutions containing up to 5 mM-La. La caused shrinkage and significant losses of tissue K, Na, Mg and Ca. The shrinkage was exactly accountable for by a reduction in the extracellular space (e.c.s.) as measured by [14C]sucrose. No significant change was seen in tissue Cl content. Exposure for 1 hr to 5 mM-La led to a total cation loss of 24-3 +/- 1-6 m-equiv/kg or, correcting for the small change in Cl content, a loss of positive charge of 23-8 +/- 2-2 m-equiv/kg fresh wt. 2. Using the radioisotope 140La it was shown that this loss of cation was balanced by an uptake of La3+. 3. Subtraction of the ions in the measured [14C]sucrose space from the total tissue ion contents led to estimates of the "cellular" ion contents. The effects of 1 hr exposure to 5 mM-La on these were a loss of 12-9 +/- 2-4 m-equiv/kg of cation and a gain of 10-0 +/- 2-6 m-equiv/kg of Cl. 4. Similar changes in ion content were produced by La on "Na-loaded" and "K-loaded" tissues, these being tissues which by exposure to K-free or Na-free (high K) solutions had replaced all their K with Na or vice versa. 5. The uptakes of 24Na and 36Cl by Na-loaded tissues were both describable as the sum of two exponentail processes: a fast component (t 1/2 congruent to 1/2 min), which was presumed to be extracellular and a slower, presumed transmembrane, component. La reduced the rapid component of uptake of 24Na by an amount greater than that predicted by the reduction in the e.c.s., the extra amount lost being some 10--15 m-equiv/kg. La also reduced the amount of rapidly exchanging 36Cl, bwt this reduction was entirely accounted for by the change in the e.c.s. La reduced the rate constant of the slow component of 24Na uptake. 6. La reduced the rapidly exchanging component of 42K uptake by normal tissues by an amount equivalent to about 0-5 m-mole/kg fresh wt. of K in excess of the change in the extracellular space. 7. La had little effect on the effluxes of 36Cl and 42K from normal tissues. However, it reduced the size of the fastest component of exchange of 42K efflux from K-loaded tissues by an amount equal to some 10-15 m-equiv/kg in excess of the reduction in the e.c.s. A similar reduction in the rapidly exchanging component of 24Na efflux from normal tissues was also seen. La slowed the efflux of 24Na from Na-loaded tissues at times when the tracer lost could safely be regarded as intracellular. 8. The taenia coli when exposed to K-free solutions gains Na and loses K. In the presence of La the gain in Na was completely blocked. K was still lost, however, being accompanied by Cl and increased shrinkage. La also prevented the uptake of Na from high Na media by ion-depleted tissues (produced by exposure to sucrose media), while having little effect on the uptake of K from high K media by such tissues. 9 Tedia by such tissues. 9. The cation displaced by La in excess of that lost due to the reduction of the e.c.s...
机译:1.使组织在Tris缓冲的Krebs溶液中平衡,然后将其暴露于含有最高达5 mM-La的类似溶液中。 La引起组织K,Na,Mg和Ca的萎缩和大量损失。收缩是由[14C]蔗糖测得的细胞外空间(e.c.s.)减少的确切原因。组织C1含量未见明显变化。暴露于5 mM-La 1小时会导致总阳离子损失为24-3 +/- 1-6 m-equiv / kg,或者校正了Cl含量的微小变化,使正电荷损失了23-8 +/- 2-2 m-当量/ kg新鲜重量2.使用放射性同位素140La表明,阳离子的这种损失通过La 3+的吸收得以平衡。 3.从总的组织离子含量中减去测得的[14 C]蔗糖空间中的离子,导致“细胞”离子含量的估计。暴露于5 mM-La 1小时对这些物质的影响是损失12-9 +/- 2-4 m-当量/ kg阳离子和增加10-0 +/- 2-6 m-当量/千克氯4. La在“ Na加载”和“ K加载”的组织上产生了类似的离子含量变化,这些组织通过暴露于无K或无Na(高K)溶液中,已将所有K替换为Na,反之亦然。 5.载有钠的组织对24Na和36Cl的吸收都可以描述为两个指数过程的总和:一个快速成分(t 1/2等于1/2分钟),被认为是细胞外的,而一个较慢;假定为跨膜成分。 La减少的24Na吸收快速分量的量大于e.c.s的降低所预测的量,额外损失的量约为10--15 m-equiv / kg。 La也减少了快速交换的36Cl的量,但是这种减少完全是由e.c.s的变化引起的。 La降低了24 Na吸收缓慢成分的速率常数。 6. La将正常组织对42K吸收的快速交换成分降低了约0-5 m-mole / kg新鲜重量。 K超过细胞外空间的变化。 7. La对正常组织中36Cl和42K的流出几乎没有影响。但是,它减少了从载有钾的组织中交换42K外排的最快成分的大小,其量等于电导率的减少量,大约等于10-15 m-当量/ kg。还观察到正常组织中24 Na外排快速交换成分的类似减少。当示踪剂丢失可以安全地视为细胞内时,La减缓了载有Na的组织的24 Na流出。 8.暴露于无钾溶液中的ta虫获得Na并失去K。在La存在下,Na的获得被完全阻断。然而,钾仍然丢失,但伴随有氯和收缩率的增加。 La还防止了离子消耗的组织(通过暴露于蔗糖介质中)从高Na介质中吸收Na,而对此类组织从高K介质中吸收K的影响很小。 9 Tedia由此类组织构成。 9.被La置换的阳离子超过了因es.c.s的减少而损失的阳离子。



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