
Polarized 3He Spin Filters for Slow Neutron Physics




Polarized 3He spin filters are needed for a variety of experiments with slow neutrons. Their demonstrated utility for highly accurate determination of neutron polarization are critical to the next generation of betadecay correlation coefficient measurements. In addition, they are broadband devices that can polarize large area and high divergence neutron beams with little gamma-ray background, and allow for an additional spin-flip for systematic tests. These attributes are relevant to all neutron sources, but are particularly well-matched to time of flight analysis at spallation sources. There are several issues in the practical use of 3He spin filters for slow neutron physics. Besides the essential goal of maximizing the 3He polarization, we also seek to decrease the constraints on cell lifetimes and magnetic field homogeneity. In addition, cells with highly uniform gas thickness are required to produce the spatially uniform neutron polarization needed for beta-decay correlation coefficient experiments. We are currently employing spin-exchange (SE) and metastability-exchange (ME) optical pumping to polarize 3He, but will focus on SE. We will discuss the recent demonstration of 75 % 3He polarization, temperature-dependent relaxation mechanism of unknown origin, cell development, spectrally narrowed lasers, and hybrid spin-exchange optical pumping.
机译:极化 3 He自旋滤波器是慢中子的各种实验所必需的。其对高精度中子极化测定的实用性对于下一代Be​​tadecay相关系数测量至关重要。此外,它们是宽带设备,可以使大面积和高发散的中子束偏振,而伽马射线背景很少,并且可以进行额外的自旋翻转以进行系统测试。这些属性与所有中子源相关,但与散裂源的飞行时间分析特别匹配。 3 He自旋滤波器在慢速中子物理学中的实际使用中存在几个问题。除了最大化 3 He极化的基本目标外,我们还寻求减少对电池寿命和磁场均匀性的限制。另外,需要具有高度均匀的气体厚度的电池以产生β-衰变相关系数实验所需的空间均匀的中子极化。我们目前正在使用自旋交换(SE)和亚稳态交换(ME)光学泵浦来极化 3 He,但将重点关注SE。我们将讨论75%He极化,不明原因的温度依赖性弛豫机制,细胞发育,光谱变窄的激光器以及混合自旋交换光泵浦的最新论证。



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