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Pyrogen fever and prostaglandin-like activity in cerebrospinal fluid




1. In the unanaesthetized cat, rectal temperature was recorded and c.s.f. was collected from a Collison cannula implanted into the third ventricle with its opening lying in close proximity to the anterior hypothalamus. Samples of c.s.f. were collected from the same cat, during normal temperature, during fever produced by Shigella dysenteriae injected into the third ventricle and during the fall in temperature which occurred when the antipyretic paracetamol was injected intraperitoneally during the pyrogen fever.2. The samples of c.s.f., when tested on the rat stomach fundus preparation, caused contractions which were not due, or at most to a small degree only, to 5-hydroxytryptamine, as they were resistant to BOL. They were therefore probably due to a prostaglandin-like substance.3. When assayed against PGE1, the activity of c.s.f. collected from cats when their body temperature was normal corresponded to between 1·3 and 10 ng/ml. The values, whether low or high, rose over 2·5-4 times to between 4 and 35 ng/ml. in c.s.f. collected during pyrogen fever; they were again low, between 1·5 and 6 ng/ml., in samples collected when the fever had been brought down by paracetamol, but rose again with the return of fever.4. The results provide direct evidence for the theory that fever produced by pyrogens results from their ability to increase synthesis and release of prostaglandins, and that antipyretics bring down the fever because they inhibit the increased synthesis.
机译:1.在未麻醉的猫中记录直肠温度,并记录c.s.f.。从植入第三脑室的Collison套管中收集血管,其开口紧邻下丘脑前部。 c.s.f.的样本在正常温度下,在第三脑室注射痢疾志贺氏菌引起的发烧期间以及在热原热期间腹膜内注射解热对乙酰氨基酚引起的温度下降过程中,从同一只猫身上收集这些动物。 c.s.f.的样品在大鼠胃底制备物中进行测试时,由于5-羟色胺具有抗BOL的作用,因此不会或仅在很小的程度上引起5-羟基色胺的收缩。因此,它们可能是由于前列腺素样物质引起的。3。当针对PGE1进行测定时,c.s.f。当猫的体温正常时,从猫身上收集到的水相当于1·3至10 ng / ml。无论是低值还是高值,其值都增加了2·5-4倍,达到4至35 ng / ml。在c.s.f.热原热期间收集;当扑热息痛降低发烧时所收集的样本中它们的含量再次降低,在1·5至6 ng / ml之间,但随着发烧的恢复而再次升高。4。该结果为该理论提供了直接的证据,即热原产生的发烧是由其增加前列腺素的合成和释放的能力引起的,而解热药降低了发烧,因为它们抑制了合成的增加。



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