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Sweat storage as a factor influencing sweat discharge in sheep




1. Sweat output has been measured continuously from four Welsh Mountain sheep exposed on several occasions for periods of 8 hr to air temperatures of 20, 30 and 40° C. At all temperatures sweat was discharged intermittently. Discharges occurred more frequently at high air temperatures and when the animals were shorn, but not at consistently different frequencies in summer and winter.2. At 40° C Ta, sweat discharges were initially large, decreased in size during the first 1-3 hr, and then continued at regular intervals and at an approximately constant size for the remainder of the experiments. Most, and probably all, sweat glands in the skin were active at each discharge.3. The volumes of sweat glands, determined histologically, decreased after prolonged activity in the heat. Comparison of the changes in sweat gland volumes with the amounts of sweat discharged led to conclusions that the decline in sweat output seen on initial exposure to heat was probably due to depletion of secretory fluid from storage within the gland and that the subsequent regular discharge of small amounts of sweat was due to expulsion of newly formed secretion.4. Examination of serial sections of midside skin revealed that in these sheep sweat glands consisted of a superficial non-convoluted duct separated from a large ampulla by a region in which the gland was convoluted. After long periods of sweating, the glands decreased in diameter in both the convoluted and non-convoluted regions but were never found to be empty.5. The pattern of sweat output from sheep during prolonged exposure to heat appears to be determined not only by processes of secretion and intermittent expulsion but also by the amount and rate of depletion of preformed sweat stored in the gland lumen.
机译:1.连续4次在4次威尔士山区绵羊暴露于8小时的温度,20、30和40°C的空气温度下连续测量汗液排出量。在所有温度下,汗液均间歇排出。在高温和动物被剪毛时,放电更为频繁,但在夏季和冬季却没有出现不同的频率。2。在40°C Ta时,汗液排出量最初很大,在最初的1-3小时内尺寸减小,然后在其余的实验中以规则的时间间隔和大致恒定的尺寸继续排出。每次放电时,皮肤中大部分(可能是全部)汗腺都活跃。3。组织学确定的汗腺体积在高温下长时间活动后减少。将汗腺体积变化与排出的汗液量进行比较,得出的结论是,初次接触热量时汗液输出量下降可能是由于腺体内储存的分泌液耗竭以及随后定期排出少量汗液所致。大量汗液是由于排出新形成的分泌物引起的。4。对中侧皮肤的连续切片进行检查后发现,在这些绵羊的汗腺中,由一个不卷曲的浅表导管组成,该导管与一个大的壶腹相隔,其中一个腺体被卷曲了一个区域。经过长时间的出汗,在曲折区和非曲折区的腺体直径都减小了,但从未发现是空的。5。绵羊长时间暴露在热中的出汗方式似乎不仅取决于分泌和间歇性排泄的过程,还取决于储存在腺腔内的预先形成的汗水的数量和消耗速率。



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