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The mechanism of salt and water absorption in the intestine of the eel (Anguilla anguilla) adapted to waters of various salinities




1. The absorption of NaCl and water was studied by intraluminal in vivo perfusion of the intestine of the yellow European eel (Anguilla anguilla) adapted to fresh water (FW), to sea water (SW), and to double strength SW (DSW).2. The net lumen to plasma NaCl transport from diluted SW perfusion fluids was independent of the NaCl concentration in the Na+ concentration range tested. The NaCl absorption (expressed as μ-equiv/100 g.hr.) increased from FW (mean ± S.E.): Na+ 166 ± 17, Cl- 205 ± 24 to SW: Na+ 363 ± 33, Cl- 423 ± 37, and again in DSW: Na+ 640 ± 110, Cl- 676 ± 149.3. The osmolality of the perfusion fluid which resulted in zero net water transport was higher than plasma osmolality by 73 ± 3 m-osmole in FW, 126 ± 5 m-osmole in SW, and 244 ± 32 m-osmole in DSW (mean ± S.E.). A fairly constant ratio between net NaCl transport and this osmolality difference prevailed.4. The general osmotic permeability to water in the serosa—mucosa direction (expressed as μl./100 g. hr. m-osmole) measured from experiments with impermeant solute increased from FW: 3·7 ± 0·5 to SW: 7·2 ± 1·0 (mean ± S.E.).5. These results are compatible with the interpretation that the water flow occurring in the absence of a general transmural osmotic gradient, the `solute-linked water flow', is linearly related both to net NaCl transport and to the osmotic permeability to water. The findings support the view that the `solute-linked water flow' is, indeed, secondary to the salt movement and is due to osmotic force.6. The amount of water absorbed from dilute SW perfusion fluids isosmotic with plasma was larger than in most other intestinal epithelia. FW: 650, SW: 1620 μl./100 g. hr. The NaCl concentration of the absorbate was hypertonic to plasma.7. The passive permeability of the intestine to NaCl was very low, and the reflexion coefficient was close to unity. Therefore metabolic energy will be used to absorb NaCl, even when the NaCl concentration in the gut is higher than that of plasma due to ingestion of SW. There appears to be a limited interaction in the intestinal wall between passive salt and water flow.8. In DSW the Na+ ingestion with the oral intake of the surrounding fluid matched the gut absorption capacity. Since DSW is close to the tolerance limit, it is concluded that the gut NaCl transport capacity may be one of the factors limiting the tolerance to water or higher salinity.
机译:1.通过腔内体内灌注适应淡水(FW),海水(SW)和双倍强度SW(DSW)的黄色欧洲鳗鱼(Anguilla anguilla)的肠道来研究NaCl和水的吸收。 .2。从稀释的SW灌注液到血浆NaCl的净内腔转运与所测试的Na + 浓度范围内的NaCl浓度无关。 NaCl吸收(表示为μ-equiv/ 100 g.hr.)从FW(平均值±SE)开始增加:Na + 166±17,Cl - 205±24到SW:Na + 363±33,Cl - 423±37,再次在DSW中:Na + 640±110,Cl - 676±149.3。导致净水输送为零的灌注液的摩尔渗透压浓度比血浆渗透压高,FW为73±3 m渗透压,SW为126±5 m渗透压,而DSW为244±32 m渗透压(均值±SE )。 NaCl净输运与重量克分子渗透压浓度之间的比例相当恒定4。在不渗透溶质的实验中测得的浆膜-粘膜方向对水的一般渗透性(表示为μl。100 g.hr. m-osmole)从FW:3·7±0·5增加到SW:7·2 ±1·0(平均±SE).5。这些结果与以下解释相吻合:在没有一般的透壁渗透梯度的情况下发生的水流,即“溶质连接的水流”,既与净NaCl的运输,又与对水的渗透率线性相关。这些发现支持了这样一种观点,即“与溶质有关的水流”确实是继盐运动之后的,并且是由于渗透力引起的。6。血浆稀释的SW灌注液的等渗渗透吸收的水量比大多数其他肠上皮细胞大。 FW:650,SW:1620μl/ 100g。 hr。被吸收物的NaCl浓度对血浆高渗。7。肠对NaCl的被动渗透性非常低,反射系数接近于1。因此,即使由于摄入SW而使肠道中的NaCl浓度高于血浆浓度时,也将使用代谢能吸收NaCl。被动盐和水流之间在肠壁中的相​​互作用似乎有限。8。在DSW中,Na + 的摄入与口服的周围液体的摄入量相匹配,肠道吸收能力也很高。由于DSW接近耐受极限,因此可以得出结论,肠道NaCl的运输能力可能是限制对水或更高盐度耐受性的因素之一。



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