首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Case Reports in Pulmonology >High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in a Patient with Reperfusion Pulmonary Edema following Percutaneous Transluminal Pulmonary Angioplasty

High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy in a Patient with Reperfusion Pulmonary Edema following Percutaneous Transluminal Pulmonary Angioplasty




A 62-year-old woman with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome was with recent worsening of dyspnea to New York Heart Association functional status Class III. The patient was diagnosed as having central type chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. By cardiac catheterization, her mean pulmonary artery pressure was 53 mmHg with total pulmonary resistance 2238 dynes·sec·cm−5. After medical therapies with tadalafil, furosemide, ambrisentan, beraprost, and warfarin were initiated, percutaneous transluminal pulmonary angioplasty (PTPA) was performed. Following PTPA, life-threating hypoxemia resulting from postoperative reperfusion pulmonary edema developed. High-flow nasal cannula therapy (HFNC) was applied, and 100% oxygen at 50 L/min of flow was required to keep oxygenation. HFNC was continued for 3 days, and the patient was discharged on 8th postoperative day with SpO2 of 97% on 3 L/min of oxygen inhalation. Because of the simplicity of the technique, the lower cost of equipment, and remarkable patient tolerance to the treatment, we speculate that HFNC can take over the post of noninvasive ventilation as first-line therapy for patients with acute respiratory failure.
机译:一名患有Wolff-Parkinson-White综合征的62岁女性最近呼吸困难加重,至纽约心脏协会功能等级为III级。该患者被诊断为患有中枢型慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压。通过心脏导管检查,她的平均肺动脉压为53 mmHg,总肺阻力为2238达因·秒·厘米 -5 。在开始使用他达拉非,呋塞米,安布森坦,贝拉前列素和华法林的药物治疗后,进行经皮腔内肺血管成形术(PTPA)。 PTPA后,由于术后再灌注肺水肿而导致危及生命的低氧血症。应用高流量鼻插管疗法(HFNC),并且需要以50µL / min的流量100%的氧气来保持氧合作用。 HFNC持续3天,患者在术后第8天出院,吸氧3 L / min时SpO2为97%。由于技术的简单性,设备成本的降低以及患者对治疗的出色耐受性,我们推测HFNC可以取代无创通气作为急性呼吸衰竭患者的一线治疗。



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