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Changes in Biology Self-Efficacy during a First-Year University Course




Academic self-efficacy encompasses judgments regarding one’s ability to perform academic tasks and is correlated with achievement and persistence. This study describes changes in biology self-efficacy during a first-year course. Students (n = 614) were given the Biology Self-Efficacy Scale at the beginning and end of the semester. The instrument consisted of 21 questions ranking confidence in performing biology-related tasks on a scale from 1 (not at all confident) to 5 (totally confident). The results demonstrated that students increased in self-efficacy during the semester. High school biology and chemistry contributed to self-efficacy at the beginning of the semester; however, this relationship was lost by the end of the semester, when experience within the course became a significant contributing factor. A proportion of high- and low- achieving (24 and 40%, respectively) students had inaccurate self-efficacy judgments of their ability to perform well in the course. In addition, female students were significantly less confident than males overall, and high-achieving female students were more likely than males to underestimate their academic ability. These results suggest that the Biology Self-Efficacy Scale may be a valuable resource for tracking changes in self-efficacy in first-year students and for identifying students with poorly calibrated self-efficacy perceptions.
机译:学术自我效能感包括对一个人执行学术任务的能力的判断,并与成就和毅力相关。这项研究描述了第一年课程中生物学自我效能的变化。在学期开始和结束时,向学生(n = 614)提供生物自我效能量表。该工具由21个问题组成,这些问题对执行生物学相关任务的信心从1(完全没有信心)到5(完全有信心)进行排名。结果表明,该学期学生的自我效能感有所提高。在学期初,高中的生物学和化学促进了自我效能感;但是,当课程中的经验成为重要的因素时,这种关系在学期末就消失了。一部分高成就学生和低成就学生(分别为24%和40%)对自己在课程中表现良好的能力的自我效能判断不准确。此外,女生总体上比男生信心要差得多,而高成就的女生比男生更容易低估自己的学习能力。这些结果表明,生物学自我效能感量表可能是跟踪一年级学生自我效能感变化以及识别自我校准感校准不佳的学生的宝贵资源。



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