首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Cells >The Petunia CHANEL Gene is a ZEITLUPE Ortholog Coordinating Growth and Scent Profiles

The Petunia CHANEL Gene is a ZEITLUPE Ortholog Coordinating Growth and Scent Profiles

机译:矮牵牛CHANEL基因是ZEITLUPE Ortholog可协调生长和气味分布。



The floral perianth, comprising sepals and petals, conceals the sexual organs and attracts pollinators. The coordination of growth and scent emission is not fully understood. We have analyzed the effect of knocking down CHANEL (PhCHL), the ZEITLUPE ortholog in petunia (PhCHL) by hairpin RNAs. Plants with low PhCHL mRNA had overall decreased size. Growth evaluation using time lapse image analysis showed that early leaf movement was not affected by RNAi:PhCHL, but flower angle movement was modified, moving earlier during the day in knockdown plants than in wild types. Despite differences in stem length, growth rate was not significantly affected by loss of PhCHL. In contrast, petal growth displayed lower growth rate in RNAi:PhCHL. Decreased levels of PhCHL caused strongly modified scent profiles, including changes in composition and timing of emission resulting in volatile profiles highly divergent from the wild type. Our results show a role of PhCHL in controlling growth and development of vegetative and reproductive organs in petunia. The different effects of PhCHL on organ development indicate an organ-specific interpretation of the down regulation of PhCHL. Through the control of both timing and quantitative volatile emissions, PhCHL appears to be a major coordinator of scent profiles.
机译:花被,包括萼片和花瓣,掩盖了性器官并吸引了传粉者。增长与气味排放的协调尚不完全清楚。我们已经分析了通过发夹RNA敲低CHANNEL(PhCHL),矮牵牛中的ZEITLUPE直系同源物(PhCHL)的效果。 PhCHL mRNA低的植株总体上大小减小。使用延时图像分析进行的生长评估表明,早期叶片运动不受RNAi:PhCHL的影响,但花角运动受到了修饰,在白天,敲除植物的运动早于野生型。尽管茎长不同,但生长速度不受PhCHL损失的影响很大。相反,花瓣生长在RNAi:PhCHL中显示出较低的生长速率。 PhCHL水平的降低会引起气味特征的强烈改变,包括组成和排放时间的变化,从而导致挥发性特征与野生型高度不同。我们的研究结果表明PhCHL在控制矮牵牛植物营养和生殖器官的生长和发育中的作用。 PhCHL对器官发育的不同影响表明了PhCHL下调的器官特异性解释。通过控制定时排放和定量挥发排放,PhCHL似乎是气味分布的主要协调者。



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