首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine >Adherence to US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for breast and cervical cancer screening for women who have a spinal cord injury

Adherence to US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for breast and cervical cancer screening for women who have a spinal cord injury




>Context: Women with spinal cord injury (SCI) may face barriers that result in disparities in receipt of recommended mammography and Papanicolaou testing.>Setting: South Carolina.>Participants: South Carolina women with SCI were identified using International Classification of Diseases codes in 2000–2010 Medicaid and Medicare billing data.>Outcome measures: Receipt of mammography and Pap testing was determined using procedure billing codes. Partial proportional odds models were estimated to examine the association between SCI and adherence with screening recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force. Each individual's screening experience was classified as full adherence, partial adherence, or no screening.>Results: The cohort for mammography consisted of 3,173 women with SCI and 6,433 comparison women without SCI. The cohort for Pap testing consisted 5,025 women with SCI and 9,538 comparison women. Women with SCI were less likely to have full adherence with mammography recommendations (aOR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.64, 0.76) and Pap test recommendations (aOR = 0.53, 95% CI 0.49, 0.57). They were more likely to have no mammography screening (aOR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.33, 1.57) and no Pap testing (aOR = 1.89, 95% CI 1.77, 2.03) than women without SCI.>Conclusion: Using longitudinal data with multiple outcome levels, women with SCI were less likely to be fully adherent with receipt of recommended breast and cervical cancer screenings and more likely to have no screenings during the eligible years when compared to women without SCI.
机译:>背景:患有脊髓损伤(SCI)的女性可能会遇到障碍,导致在接受推荐的乳房X线照片和Papanicolaou测试时存在差异。>设置:南卡罗来纳州。>参与者< / strong>:使用2000-2010年Medicaid和Medicare帐单数据中的国际疾病分类代码识别南卡罗来纳州患有SCI的妇女。>结果衡量指标:使用程序帐单代码确定乳房X线照片和巴氏涂片检查的收据。估计了部分比例赔率模型,以检查SCI与依从性之间的联系,并结合了美国预防服务工作队的筛查建议。每个人的筛查经历分为完全依从性,部分依从性或不筛查。>结果:乳房X线照相术的队列由3173名患有SCI的女性和6,433名没有SCI的比较女性组成。子宫颈抹片检查的队列包括5,025名SCI妇女和9,538名比较妇女。患有SCI的女性不太可能完全遵守乳房X线照相建议(aOR = 0.69,95%CI 0.64,0.76)和巴氏试验建议(aOR = 0.53,95%CI 0.49,0.57)。与没有SCI的女性相比,她们更有可能没有进行乳房X线筛查(aOR = 1.44,95%CI 1.33,1.57)和没有巴氏试验(aOR = 1.89,95%CI 1.77,2.03)。>结论 :使用具有多个结果水平的纵向数据,与没有SCI的女性相比,患有SCI的女性在接受推荐的乳腺癌和子宫颈癌筛查时不太可能完全依从,并且更有可能在合格年份不进行筛查。



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