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Angiomodulatory properties of some antibiotics and Tołpa Peat Preparation




Deterioration of the immune system due to antibiotic therapy can be restored by immunomodulator application. In this paper we estimate the effect of ampicillin, amikacin, doxycycline, rifampicin, rifamycine and immunomodulator Tołpa Peat Preparation (TPP) on neovascular reaction induced in murine skin by human mononuclear cells (MNC) injection. MNC originating from 15 healthy volunteers were injected intradermally to Balb/c mice. Antibiotics (3, 15, or 75 mg/kg of body weight) alone or with TPP (10 mg/kg of body weight) were administrated subcutaneously to mice on three consecutive days. The number of newly formed blood vessels was measured in dissection microscope 72 hours after cell injection. Results: TPP stimulated angiogenic activity of MNC at the dose 5 and 10 mg/kg. Rifamycine exerted strong stimulatory action, ampicillin slightly stimulated immune response, while doxycycline and rifampicin downregulated it. Amikacin did not influence the results of angiogenesis tests. Studied antibiotics (15 mg/kg), except rifamycine, inhibit the angiostimulatory effect of the tested immunomodulator. TPP should be applied after antibiotic therapy to maintain its stimulatory effect and restore proper host immune function.
机译:可以通过应用免疫调节剂来恢复由于抗生素治疗引起的免疫系统恶化。在本文中,我们估计了氨苄西林,丁胺卡那霉素,强力霉素,利福平,利福霉素和免疫调节剂托帕泥炭制备(TPP)对人单核细胞(MNC)注射引起的鼠皮中新生血管反应的影响。将来自15名健康志愿者的MNC皮内注射到Balb / c小鼠中。连续三天对小鼠皮下注射抗生素(3、15或75 mg / kg体重)或与TPP(10 mg / kg体重)一起使用。细胞注射72小时后,在解剖显微镜下测量新形成的血管数。结果:TPP以5和10 mg / kg的剂量刺激MNC的血管生成活性。利福霉素具有强烈的刺激作用,氨苄西林可轻微刺激免疫反应,而强力霉素和利福平则下调其免疫反应。阿米卡星不影响血管生成测试的结果。除利福霉素外,研究的抗生素(15 mg / kg)抑制了所测试免疫调节剂的血管刺激作用。 TPP应在抗生素治疗后应用,以维持其刺激作用并恢复适当的宿主免疫功能。



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