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Emergency department visits and dental procedures: Mission of Mercy 2013–2016




>Objective: This study compared attendees at Wisconsin Mission of Mercy (MoM) events with and without prior emergency department (ED) visits for dental care in terms of demographic characteristics and dental procedures received.>Methods: De-identified archival data available from the America’s Dentists Care Foundation (2013–2016) were analyzed. Summary statistics were calculated based on prior ED visit status for county-level characteristics and type of dental procedures received. Generalized estimating equation models with logistic links were fitted to examine associations between the predictor and independent variables.>Results: Most attendees were White, adult females (mean age 37 years). Current dental pain was reported by 61% vs 33% of attendees with and without prior ED visit. Cleaning (57%) was the most common procedure received by attendees with no prior ED visits, while extractions (47%) were the most common for those with prior ED visits. Among MoM attendees, males had higher odds of prior ED visits compared to females. Compared to White, Black had higher odds and Hispanic had lower odds of having prior ED visits. In the multivariable analysis, dental pain (OR: 3.32; 95% CI: 2.75, 4.02) had the strongest association with prior ED visits. Attendees with prior ED visit history had higher odds of receiving extractions and restorative care, compared to cleaning after adjustment for person and county-level characteristics.>Conclusion: Among MoM attendees, prior ED visits were associated with not being Hispanic, being male, and having dental pain. Compared to attendees with no prior ED visit, those with prior ED visits had higher odds of receiving restorative care and extractions.
机译:>目的:这项研究从接受的人口统计学特征和牙科手术方面比较了有和没有进行急诊科就诊的威斯康星州慈悲会(MoM)活动的参加者。>方法: 分析了美国牙医护理基金会(2013-2016)提供的身份不明的档案数据。根据县级特征和所接受的牙科手术类型,根据先前的急诊就诊状况计算出汇总统计数据。拟合了具有逻辑联系的广义估计方程模型,以检验预测变量和自变量之间的关联。>结果:大多数参加者是白人,成年女性(平均年龄37岁)。 61%的受试者报告了当前的牙痛,而有或没有进行过ED访视的受试者报告了33%。清洁(57%)是没有进行过急诊就诊的与会人员最常接受的程序,而提取物(47%)则是进行过急诊就诊的人士所采用的最常见方法。在MoM参加者中,男性比女性有更高的ED访视几率。与白人相比,黑人接受过急诊就诊的几率较高,而西班牙裔则较低。在多变量分析中,牙痛(OR:3.32; 95%CI:2.75、4.02)与先前的ED就诊最相关。与经过个人和县级特征调整后的清洁相比,有过ED访问历史的参加者接受摘录和恢复护理的几率更高。>结论:在MoM参加者中,以前的ED访问与没有进行过访问有关。西班牙裔,男性,有牙齿疼痛。与没有进行过急诊就诊的参与者相比,进行过急诊就诊的参与者接受修复护理和拔牙的几率更高。



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