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Momentum and Kinetic Energy Before the Tackle in Rugby Union




Understanding the physical demands of a tackle in match situations is important for safe and effective training, developing equipment and research. Physical components such as momentum and kinetic energy, and it relationship to tackle outcome is not known. The aim of this study was to compare momenta between ball-carrier and tackler, level of play (elite, university and junior) and position (forwards vs. backs), and describe the relationship between ball-carrier and tackler mass, velocity and momentum and the tackle outcome. Also, report on the ball-carrier and tackler kinetic energy before contact and the estimated magnitude of impact (energy distributed between ball-carrier and tackler upon contact). Velocity over 0.5 seconds before contact was determined using a 2-dimensional scaled version of the field generated from a computer alogorithm. Body masses of players were obtained from their player profiles. Momentum and kinetic energy were subsequently calculated for 60 tackle events. Ball-carriers were heavier than the tacklers (ball-carrier 100 ± 14 kg vs. tackler 93 ± 11 kg, d = 0.52, p = 0.0041, n = 60). Ball-carriers as forwards had a significantly higher momentum than backs (forwards 563 ± 226 Kg.m.s-1 n = 31 vs. backs 438 ± 135 Kg.m.s-1, d = 0.63, p = 0.0012, n = 29). Tacklers dominated 57% of tackles and ball-carriers dominated 43% of tackles. Despite the ball-carrier having a mass advantage before contact more frequently than the tackler, momentum advantage and tackle dominance between the ball-carrier and tackler was proportionally similar. These findings may reflect a characteristic of the modern game of rugby where efficiently heavier players (particularly forwards) are tactically predetermined to carry the ball in contact.Key Points class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc">First study to quantify momentum, kinetic energy, and magnitude of impact in rugby tackles across different levels in matches without a device attached to a player.Physical components alone, of either ball-carrier or tackler, are not good predictors of tackle dominance.The range of magnitudes of impact of injury free tackles observed in this study provides evidence for the physical tolerance of players during the tackle.
机译:了解比赛情况下铲球的物理需求对于安全有效地训练,开发设备和进行研究非常重要。诸如动​​量和动能等物理成分与解决结果的关系并不明确。这项研究的目的是比较运球者和铲球手之间的动量,比赛水平(精英,大学和初中)和位置(向前与向后),并描述运球者和铲球手的质量,速度和动量之间的关系。和铲球的结果。此外,还应报告接触之前的球架和铲球动能以及估计的撞击幅度(接触时球架和铲球之间的能量分布)。使用从计算机算法生成的磁场的二维缩放版本,确定接触前0.5秒内的速度。球员的体重是从球员的个人资料中获得的。随后计算了60次铲球事件的动量和动能。球架比铲球重(球架100±14公斤,而铲球93±11公斤,d = 0.52,p = 0.0041,n = 60)。向前的球形托架具有比后方更高的动量(向前563±226 Kg m s -1 n = 31 vs.背面438±135 Kg m s -1 ,d = 0.63,p = 0.0012,n = 29)。铲球手占了铲球的57%,而运球手占了铲球的43%。尽管持球者在接触前比起铲球具有更大的质量优势,但在动球和铲球之间的动量优势和铲球优势成比例地相似。这些发现可能反映了现代橄榄球比赛的特点,在战术上有效地预定了较重的球员(尤其是前锋)来接球。关键点 class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc” > <!-列表行为=无序前缀词=标记类型=光盘最大标签大小= 0-> 首次量化在不同橄榄球比赛中动量,动能和冲击强度的研究 单独的物理组件,无论是球支架还是铲球,都不能很好地预测铲球的优势。 这项研究中观察到的无伤铲球的冲击力为选手在铲球过程中的身体耐受能力提供了证据。



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