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Resistance Training Improves Sleep Quality in Older Adults a Pilot Study




Older individuals, as a group, tend to experience difficulty sleeping compared to younger adults. Improving sleep in the elderly would have beneficial public health consequences. This study utilized 8 sedentary, older adults, 78.1 ± 3.1 years of age, who participated in a six-month long resistance training (RT) program. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to examine sleep quality, and a 1 repetition max test (1-RM) was used to determine upper (bench press) and lower (leg press) body strength. Total strength, defined as the sum of the bench press and leg press 1-RM results, was also reported. The training resulted in significant improvements (p < 0.05) in total (19%) and upper body (52%) strength and in sleep quality (38%). Future studies should examine the effects of strength gain/loss and time-of-day training on sleep quality.Key Points class="unordered" style="list-style-type:disc">Compromised sleep and deterioration of skeletal muscle mass and function are commonly found among the aged.Results show that RT led to improvements in upper and total body strength in older participants who trained three times per week in the morning.The resistance training led to improvements in sleep as measured by a self-report sleep questionnaire, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.The small sample size used, lack of control group, and the fact that the participants on average were characterized as “good ”sleepers at the study onset, necessitates that further investigation occur.We suggest that further research is required to explore the effects of RT performed at different times of the day as well as to determine the relationship between sleep gains or losses upon changes in sleep quality.
机译:与年轻人相比,老年人作为一个整体,往往会感到难以入睡。改善老年人的睡眠会对公共卫生产生有益的影响。该研究使用了8个久坐的7​​8.1±3.1岁的成年人,他们参加了为期六个月的长期抵抗训练(RT)计划。使用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)来检查睡眠质量,并使用最大重复1次测试(1-RM)来确定上(卧推)和下(腿弯)身体的力量。还报告了总强度,该强度定义为卧推和腿部按压1-RM结果的总和。训练导致总体(19%)和上身(52%)的力量以及睡眠质量(38%)的显着改善(p <0.05)。未来的研究应检查力量增减和一天中的训练对睡眠质量的影响。要点 class =“ unordered” style =“ list-style-type:disc”> <!-list-behavior =无序前缀词= mark-type = disc max-label-size = 0-> 老年人中睡眠不足,骨骼肌质量和功能下降。 结果显示RT可以改善那些每周早上训练3次的年长参与者的上肢和全身力量。 抵抗力训练可以通过自我报告睡眠问卷调查来改善睡眠。匹兹堡睡眠质量指数。 使用的样本量小,缺少对照组,并且研究开始时平均将参与者描述为“好”睡眠者,因此有必要进行进一步的调查。 / li> 我们建议需要进一步的研究,以探讨在一天的不同时间进行的RT效果以及o确定睡眠质量改变后睡眠得失之间的关系。



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