首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ZooKeys >A new species of the genus Calliaxina Ngoc-Ho 2003 from the South China Sea (Crustacea Decapoda Axiidea Callianassidae)

A new species of the genus Calliaxina Ngoc-Ho 2003 from the South China Sea (Crustacea Decapoda Axiidea Callianassidae)

机译:南中国海的一种Calliaxina Ngoc-Ho属2003年(甲壳纲十足纲轴突纲Callianassidae)



A new species of the genus Calliaxina Ngoc-Ho, 2003, Calliaxina xishaensis >sp. n., collected from the South China Sea is described and illustrated. It is distinguishable from Calliaxina thomassini Ngoc-Ho, 2014 by having the rostrum broadly triangular with pointed tip and is distinguishable from Calliaxina novaebritanniae (Borradaile, 1900) and Calliax punica (de Saint Laurent & Manning, 1982) by the posterior margin of telson being convex. It is also the first record of this genus from the China seas. A key to the species of Calliaxina is given.
机译:西沙CallCalliaxina Ngoc-Ho属的一个新种,2003年。描述并说明了从南中国海收集的n。。它与圆锥状的Calliaxina thomassini Ngoc-Ho有别于2014年,其讲台具有尖尖的大致三角形,并且与Calliaxina novaebritanniae(Borradaile,1900)和 Calliax punica (de Saint Laurent&Manning,1982),因为telson的后缘是凸的。这也是中国海洋中该属的第一个记录。给出了 Calliaxina 的种类的密钥。



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