首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>World Journal of Gastroenterology >Systematic review of anastomotic complications of esophagojejunostomy after laparoscopic total gastrectomy

Systematic review of anastomotic complications of esophagojejunostomy after laparoscopic total gastrectomy




AIM: To investigate the anastomotic complications of esophagojejunostomy (EJS) after laparoscopic total gastrectomy (LTG), we reviewed retrospective studies.METHODS: A literature search was conducted in PubMed for studies published from January 1, 1994 through January 31, 2015. The search terms included “laparoscopic,” “total gastrectomy,” and “gastric cancer.” First, we selected 16 non-randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing LTG with open total gastrectomy (OTG) and conducted an updated meta-analysis of anastomotic complications after total gastrectomy. The Newcastle-Ottawa scoring system (NOS) was used to assess the quality of the non-RCTs included in this study. Next, we reviewed anastomotic complications in 46 case studies of LTG to compare the various procedures for EJS.RESULTS: The overall incidence of anastomotic leakage associated with EJS was 3.0% (30 of 984 patients) among LTG procedures and 2.1% (31 of 1500 patients) among OTG procedures in the 16 non-RCTs. The incidence of anastomotic leakage did not differ significantly between LTG and OTG (odds OR = 1.42, 95%CI: 0.86-2.33, P = 0.17, I2 = 0%). Anastomotic stenosis related to EJS was reported in 72 (2.9%) of 2484 patients, and the incidence was 3.2% among LTG procedures and 2.7% among OTG procedures. The incidence of anastomotic stenosis related to EJS was slightly, but not significantly, higher in LTG than in OTG (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 0.94-2.54, P = 0.08, I2 = 0%). The various procedures for LTG were classified into six categories in the review of case studies of LTG. The incidence of EJS leakage was similar (1.1% to 3.2%), although the incidence of EJS stenosis was relatively high when the OrVilTM device was used (8.8%) compared with other procedures (1.0% to 3.6%).CONCLUSION: The incidence of anastomotic complications associated with EJS was not different between LTG and OTG. Anastomotic stenosis was relatively common when the OrVilTM device was used.
机译:目的:为研究腹腔镜全胃切除术(LTG)后食管空肠吻合术(EJS)的吻合并发症,方法为回顾性研究。方法:在PubMed中进行文献检索,检索1994年1月1日至2015年1月31日之间发表的研究。术语包括“腹腔镜”,“全胃切除术”和“胃癌”。首先,我们选择了16个将LTG与开放式全胃切除术(OTG)进行比较的非随机对照试验(RCT),并对全胃切除术后的吻合口并发症进行了更新的荟萃分析。纽卡斯尔-渥太华评分系统(NOS)用于评估本研究中所含非RCT的质量。接下来,我们回顾了46例LTG病例研究中的吻合口并发症,以比较EJS的各种手术方法。结果:LTG手术中与EJS相关的吻合口漏总发生率为3.0%(984例患者中的30%)和2.1%(1500例中的31例) 16个非RCT中的OTG程序)。 LTG和OTG之间的吻合口漏发生率无显着差异(OR = 1.42,95%CI:0.86-2.33,P = 0.17,I 2 = 0%)。在2484例患者中,有72例(2.9%)报告了与EJS相关的吻合口狭窄,LTG手术的发生率为3.2%,OTG手术的发生率为2.7%。与EJS相关的吻合口狭窄发生率在LTG中比OTG稍高但不显着(OR = 1.55,95%CI:0.94-2.54,P = 0.08,I 2 = 0% )。在审阅LTG的案例研究中,将LTG的各种程序分为六类。尽管使用OrVil TM 装置时EJS狭窄的发生率相对较高(8.8%),但与其他程序(1.0%至1.0%)相比,EJS漏出的发生率相似(1.1%至3.2%)。结论:ETG与OJS吻合口并发症的发生率无差异。当使用OrVil TM 设备时,吻合口狭窄较为常见。



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