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Detection of Usutu Sindbis and Batai Viruses in Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) Collected in Germany 2011–2016




Due to the emergence of non-endemic mosquito vectors and the recent outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases, mosquito-borne pathogens are considered an increasing risk to public and animal health in Europe. To obtain a status quo regarding mosquito-borne viruses and their vectors in Germany, 97,648 mosquitoes collected from 2011 to 2016 throughout the country were screened for arboviruses. Mosquitoes were identified to species, pooled in groups of up to 50 individuals according to sampling location and date, and screened with different PCR assays for Flavi-, Alpha- and Orthobunyavirus RNA. Two pools tested positive for Usutu virus-RNA, two for Sindbis virus-RNA, and 24 for Batai virus-RNA. The pools consisted of Culex pipiens s.l., Culex modestus, Culex torrentium, Culiseta sp., Aedes vexans, Anopheles daciae, and Anopheles messeae mosquitoes and could be assigned to nine different collection sites, with seven of them located in northeastern Germany. Phylogenetic analyses of the viral RNA sequences showed relationships with strains of the viruses previously demonstrated in Germany. These findings confirm continuing mosquito-borne zoonotic arbovirus circulation even though only a rather small percentage of the screened samples tested positive. With respect to sampling sites and periods, virus circulation seems to be particularly intense in floodplains and after flooding events when mosquitoes develop in excessive numbers and where they have numerous avian hosts available to feed on.
机译:由于非地方性蚊媒的出现和最近爆发的蚊媒疾病,在欧洲,蚊媒病原体被认为对公共和动物健康构成了越来越大的风险。为了获得有关蚊子传播的病毒及其在德国的媒介的现状,从2011年至2016年在全国范围内收集了97,648例蚊子,进行了虫媒病毒筛选。确定蚊子的种类,根据采样位置和日期将其分成最多50个个体,并用不同的PCR检测方法筛选黄病毒,甲型和正念珠菌RNA。两个库对Usutu病毒RNA呈阳性,两个对Sindbis病毒RNA呈阳性,对24个对Batai病毒RNA呈阳性。这些池由淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens s.l.),库克斯库蚊(Culexmodetus),库克斯洪库(Culex torrentium),库利斯塔(Culiseta sp。),白纹伊蚊(Aedes vexans),da按蚊(Anopheles daciae)和按蚊按蚊(Anopheles messeae)组成,可以分配给9个不同的采集点,其中7个位于德国东北部。病毒RNA序列的系统发育分析显示与先前在德国证实的病毒株之间的关系。这些发现证实了蚊子传播的人畜共患虫虫病毒的持续循环,尽管只有很少一部分筛查样品呈阳性。关于采样地点和时期,在洪泛区以及洪水泛滥之后,当蚊子数量过多且有大量禽类宿主可以觅食时,病毒的传播似乎特别强烈。



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