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Antiviral Screening of Multiple Compounds against Ebola Virus




In light of the recent outbreak of Ebola virus (EBOV) disease in West Africa, there have been renewed efforts to search for effective antiviral countermeasures. A range of compounds currently available with broad antimicrobial activity have been tested for activity against EBOV. Using live EBOV, eighteen candidate compounds were screened for antiviral activity in vitro. The compounds were selected on a rational basis because their mechanisms of action suggested that they had the potential to disrupt EBOV entry, replication or exit from cells or because they had displayed some antiviral activity against EBOV in previous tests. Nine compounds caused no reduction in viral replication despite cells remaining healthy, so they were excluded from further analysis (zidovudine; didanosine; stavudine; abacavir sulphate; entecavir; JB1a; Aimspro; celgosivir; and castanospermine). A second screen of the remaining compounds and the feasibility of appropriateness for in vivo testing removed six further compounds (ouabain; omeprazole; esomeprazole; Gleevec; D-LANA-14; and Tasigna). The three most promising compounds (17-DMAG; BGB324; and NCK-8) were further screened for in vivo activity in the guinea pig model of EBOV disease. Two of the compounds, BGB324 and NCK-8, showed some effect against lethal infection in vivo at the concentrations tested, which warrants further investigation. Further, these data add to the body of knowledge on the antiviral activities of multiple compounds against EBOV and indicate that the scientific community should invest more effort into the development of novel and specific antiviral compounds to treat Ebola virus disease.
机译:鉴于最近在西非爆发埃博拉病毒(EBOV)疾病,人们已重新努力寻找有效的抗病毒对策。已经测试了目前可获得的具有广泛抗菌活性的一系列化合物的抗EBOV活性。使用活EBOV,筛选了18种候选化合物的体外抗病毒活性。选择这些化合物的原因是合理的,因为它们的作用机制表明它们具有破坏EBOV进入,复制或从细胞中退出的潜力,或者因为它们在先前的测试中显示出对EBOV的抗病毒活性。尽管细胞保持健康,但九种化合物并未引起病毒复制的减少,因此将它们排除在进一步分析之外(齐多夫定;双羟肌苷;司他夫定;硫酸阿巴卡韦;恩替卡韦; JB1a; Aimspro;西戈斯韦和卡司他permine)。对剩余化合物的第二次筛选以及适用于体内测试的可行性除去了六种其他化合物(哇巴因,奥美拉唑,埃索美拉唑,格列卫,D-LANA-14和Tasigna)。在EBOV病的豚鼠模型中进一步筛选了三种最有希望的化合物(17-DMAG,BGB324和NCK-8)的体内活性。其中两个化合物BGB324和NCK-8在所测试的浓度下对体内致死性感染表现出一定的作用,值得进一步研究。此外,这些数据使人们对多种化合物对EBOV的抗病毒活性有了更深入的了解,并表明科学界应投入更多的精力来开发新型和特异性的抗病毒化合物以治疗埃博拉病毒病。


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