首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports >Histoplasmosis with Deep CNS Involvement: Case Presentation with Discussion and Literature Review

Histoplasmosis with Deep CNS Involvement: Case Presentation with Discussion and Literature Review




Central nervous system (CNS) histoplasmosis is rare and difficult to diagnose because it is often overlooked or mistaken for other pathologies due to its nonspecific symptoms. A 32-year-old Hispanic man with advanced acquired immunodeficiency virus presented with altered mental status and reported confusion for the past 3 months. He had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 12, repetitive nonfluent speech, and a disconjugate gaze with a right gaze preference. Lung computed tomography (CT) findings indicated a pulmonary histoplasmosis infection. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed a ring-enhancing lesion in the left caudate nucleus. A CT-guided left retroperitoneal node biopsy was performed and indicated a benign inflammatory process with organisms compatible with fungal yeast. Treatment with amphotericin B followed by itraconazole was initiated in spite of negative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cultures and proved effective in mitigating associated CNS lesions and resolving neurologic deficits. The patient was discharged 3 weeks later in stable condition. Six weeks later, his left basal ganglia mass decreased. Early recognition of symptoms and proper steps is key in improving outcomes of CNS histoplasmosis. Aggressive medical management is possible in the treatment of intracranial deep mass lesions, and disseminated histoplasmosis with CNS involvement can be appropriately diagnosed and treated, despite negative CSF and serology studies.
机译:中枢神经系统(CNS)组织胞浆菌病罕见且难以诊断,因为由于其非特异性症状,它经常被忽视或误认为其他病理。一名患有晚期获得性免疫缺陷病毒的32岁西班牙裔男子在过去3个月内精神状态发生变化并报告出现混乱。他的格拉斯哥昏迷量表为12,重复的非流利言语,以及偏爱的凝视和正确的凝视偏好。肺部计算机断层扫描(CT)结果表明存在肺组织胞浆菌病感染。大脑的磁共振成像显示左尾状核有一个环形增强的病变。进行了CT引导的左腹膜后淋巴结活检,并表明与真菌酵母相容的生物体为良性炎症过程。尽管脑脊液(CSF)培养阴性,但开始使用两性霉素B继之以伊曲康唑的治疗,并被证明可有效减轻相关的CNS损伤并解决神经功能缺损。 3周后患者出院,病情稳定。六周后,他的左基底神经节肿块减少。早期识别症状和采取适当步骤是改善中枢神经系统组织胞浆菌病预后的关键。尽管脑脊液和血清学研究阴性,但在颅内深部肿块的治疗中可以进行积极的医学管理,并且可以适当地诊断和治疗伴有CNS的弥漫性组织胞浆病。



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