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The α-test: Rapid Cell-free CD4 Enumeration Using Whole Saliva




There is an urgent need for affordable CD4 enumeration to monitor HIV disease. CD4 enumeration is out of reach in resource-limited regions due to the time and temperature restrictions, technical sophistication, and cost of reagents, in particular monoclonal antibodies to measure CD4 on blood cells, the only currently acceptable method. A commonly used cost-saving and time-saving laboratory strategy is to calculate, rather than measure certain blood values. For example, LDL levels are calculated using the measured levels of total cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides1. Thus, identification of cell-free correlates that directly regulate the number of CD4+ T cells could provide an accurate method for calculating CD4 counts due to the physiological relevance of the correlates.The number of stem cells that enter blood and are destined to become circulating CD4+ T cells is determined by the chemokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 due to their influence on locomotion2. The process of stem cell locomotion into blood is additionally regulated by cell surface human leukocyte elastase (HLECS) and the HLECS-reactive active α1proteinase inhibitor (α1PI, α1antitrypsin, SerpinA1)3. In HIV-1 disease, α1PI is inactivated due to disease processes 4. In the early asymptomatic categories of HIV-1 disease, active α1PI was found to be below normal in 100% of untreated HIV-1 patients (median=12 μM, and to achieve normal levels during the symptomatic categories4, 5. This pattern has been attributed to immune inactivation, not to insufficient synthesis, proteolytic inactivation, or oxygenation. We observed that in HIV-1 subjects with >220 CD4 cells/μl, CD4 counts were correlated with serum levels of active α1PI (r2=0.93, p<0.0001, n=26) and inactive α1PI (r2=0.91, p<0.0001, n=26) 5. Administration of α1PI to HIV-1 infected and uninfected subjects resulted in dramatic increases in CD4 counts suggesting α1PI participates in regulating the number of CD4+ T cells in blood 3.With stimulation, whole saliva contains sufficient serous exudate (plasma containing proteinaceous material that passes through blood vessel walls into saliva) to allow measurement of active α1PI and the correlation of this measurement is evidence that it is an accurate method for calculating CD4 counts. Briefly, sialogogues such as chewing gum or citric acid stimulate the exudation of serum into whole mouth saliva. After stimulating serum exudation, the activity of serum α1PI in saliva is measured by its capacity to inhibit elastase activity. Porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE) is a readily available inexpensive source of elastase. PPE binds to α1PI forming a one-to-one complex that prevents PPE from cleaving its specific substrates, one of which is the colorimetric peptide, succinyl-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Ala-p-nitroanilide (SA3NA). Incubating saliva with a saturating concentration of PPE for 10 min at room temperature allows the binding of PPE to all the active α1PI in saliva. The resulting inhibition of PPE by active α1PI can be measured by adding the PPE substrate SA3NA. >(Figure 1). Although CD4 counts are measured in terms of blood volume (CD4 cells/μl), the concentration of α1PI in saliva is related to the concentration of serum in saliva, not to volume of saliva since volume can vary considerably during the day and person to person6. However, virtually all the protein in saliva is due to serum content, and the protein content of saliva is measurable7. Thus, active α1PI in saliva is calculated as a ratio to saliva protein content and is termed the α1PI Index. Results presented herein demonstrate that the α1PI Index provides an accurate and precise physiologic method for calculating CD4 counts.
机译:迫切需要可负担得起的CD4枚举以监测HIV疾病。由于时间和温度的限制,技术的复杂性以及试剂(特别是用于测量血细胞上CD4的单克隆抗体)的成本和技术限制,CD4枚举在资源有限的地区无法实现,这是目前唯一可以接受的方法。一种常用的节省成本和节省时间的实验室策略是计算而不是测量某些血液值。例如,LDL水平是使用测得的总胆固醇,HDL和甘油三酯 1 的水平来计算的。因此,直接鉴定CD4 + T细胞数量的无细胞相关因子的鉴定,由于相关因子的生理相关性,可以为计算CD4计数提供一种准确的方法。由于趋化因子CXCL12及其受体CXCR4对运动 2 的影响,血液和注定会成为循环CD4 + T细胞。干细胞运动进入血液的过程还受到细胞表面人类白细胞弹性蛋白酶(HLECS)和HLECS反应活性α1蛋白酶抑制剂(α1PI,α1抗胰蛋白酶,SerpinA1) 3 的调控。在HIV-1疾病中,由于疾病过程 4 使α1PI失活。在HIV-1疾病的早期无症状类别中,发现未经治疗的HIV-1患者中有100%的活性α1PI低于正常水平(中位数= 12μM,在症状类别中达到正常水平 4、5 < / sup>。这种模式被归因于免疫失活,而不是合成不足,蛋白水解失活或氧合作用。我们观察到在HIV-1受试者中,CD4细胞/μl> 220,CD4计数与血清活性α1PI水平相关(r 2 = 0.93,p <0.0001,n = 26)和无效的α1PI(r 2 = 0.91,p <0.0001,n = 26) 5 < / sup>。对HIV-1感染者和未感染者施用α1PI导致CD4计数急剧增加,表明α1PI参与调节血液 3 + T细胞的数量>。通过刺激,整个唾液中含有足够的浆液性渗出液(血浆中的蛋白物质穿过血管壁进入唾液),从而可以测量活性α1PI和血脂这种测量的相关性证明它是计算CD4计数的准确方法。简而言之,口语如口香糖或柠檬酸会刺激血清渗出到整个口腔唾液中。刺激血清渗出后,通过唾液中的α1PI抑制弹性蛋白酶活性的能力来测量其活性。猪胰弹性蛋白酶(PPE)是一种容易获得的廉价弹性蛋白酶来源。 PPE与α1PI结合形成一对一的复合物,阻止PPE裂解其特定底物,比色肽之一是琥珀酰-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Ala-对硝基苯胺(SA 3 NA)。在室温下将唾液与饱和浓度的PPE孵育10分钟,使PPE与唾液中所有活性α1PI结合。通过添加PPE底物SA 3 NA可以测量活性α1PI对PPE的抑制作用。 >(图1)。尽管CD4计数是根据血容量(CD4细胞/微升)来衡量的,但唾液中α 1 PI的浓度与唾液中血清的浓度有关,而不与唾液的体积有​​关,因为白天和每个人 6 的差异很大。但是,实际上唾液中的所有蛋白质都是由于血清含量引起的,唾液中的蛋白质含量是可测量的 7 。因此,唾液中的活性α 1 PI被计算为与唾液蛋白含量的比率,被称为α 1 PI指数。本文提供的结果表明,α 1 PI指数为计算CD4计数提供了一种准确而精确的生理方法。



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